Author Interview

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Author Interview

Author Interview  -  Karl Wiggins

Bored of the same old Author Interviews where the blogger or interviewer asks the same tired and decrepit questions – What inspired you to write your first book? Do you have a specific writing style? What book are you reading now? Is there a message in your novel? Can you share a little of your current work with us? – I suggested to Cap’n Joe that I wanted to use this interview to tell the writer’s story.

I requested I be given the opportunity to talk about the self-publishing industry in general, but I also wanted to discuss family issues and how the lonely occupation of the writer fits in with family values. This is something too often neglected in Author Interviews where the author is literally saying, “Hey, I’m an author, pleased to meet you. Read my new book.”

Very few people understand the mind of the ‘writer,’ so my goal here was to make this interview different. is external)

Cap'n Joe is my hero! Enjoyed the read mate.


Cheers. Beer soon?


Cheers. Beer soon?


My wife says I'm always repeating the same story ....


You betcha!


Hey Joe, just sitting here with an old mate of yours, David Bragg. He sends his regards. David's getting all nostalgic about your mum and dad, and Black Micky and Ruth and ....


Ayica Maducima Binladima Getcha.


P.S. Your camel just spat at my wife!


Hey, he was my Saturday Boy and his brother Billy was my best mate. Best bricklayer I know! I'll call him today...


He really is a good bricklayer. It's not just a job to him. He appreciates that it has to look good. It's not about going on the line and throwing down so many bricks in a day, he actually takes pride in it.

(You've read my comparisons between the writer and the tradesman in my book 'Words are our Sorcery'

I don’t think construction workers are always honoured in the way they deserve. Barring natural disasters a house is going to remain standing until it’s demolished, and that’s irrespective of the quality of craftsmanship. But the aesthetic qualities of good bricks will never be appreciated unless the workmanship is of the highest standard. Whether its writing or bricklaying, quality of workmanship will always be the determining factor as to whether or not the finished product turns out mediocre or really exceptional. The choice of brick - just like the choice of words - may well have a large bearing on the aesthetics of a new build, be it a large housing estate or just an ordinary garden wall, but put the trowel in the right hands and poor quality bricks can be made to look much better than they really are.

David can lay his last brick of the day, point up, wash up, turn his back on his day’s work, and every single one of the joints between the bricks will be exactly 15mm. He takes great pride in his work and I had no hesitation in awarding him 'Operative of the Month.'

A lovely boke!


When we meet up I'll tell you David's story, now THAT is a book waiting to be written!


I'll look forward to it