Someone ....

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Someone ....

Someone should write a book where the main character slowly falls in love with the reader 

Someone should write a book where the reader slowly falls in love with the main character. Until they meet and she sees his face close up and sees he has mushroom teeth. Then she would shred the book over a fire and drink sloe gin, spitting out the skins of juniper berries to make the flames pop.


Karl, I'm sure someone's already done that, but can't remember who.

Lisa, I'm keeping quiet. I was hoping to match my mate Vera's writing but I just can't come up with anything to follow that. I toyed with the popping of juniper berry skins turning into the popping of popcorn and the reader suddenly finding herself in the cinema and the protagonist's mushroom teeth taking up the whole screen .....but that wa so absolutely naff that I didn't know whether to iron a shirt or commit suicide.  


It could happen if the writer wrote two books and met the reader after writing the first.

I don't think I've fallen in love wit h anyone from a book - well, except Sooz Simpson of course - but I did fall in love with someone in a song. It's sung by Sarah Moule and is entitled 'It's Never Gonna Happen.'