Jailed for attending Volleyball Match

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Jailed for attending Volleyball Match

A British-Iranian woman has been jailed for one year for attending a volleyall match in Iran.  In my opinion, we should break off any diplomatic ties with Iran.  It is an uncivilized, backward society.




You might wanna add Norway to that list. I've been thrown in jail 4-5 times in Bergen City just for being an A-hole. That's not even a crime! devil

Buenos ding dong diddly dias!

I meant to start a serious, sensible debate on the subject, not some idiocy.  Please stop clowning around.

Hello drumkit .. l hope you don't mind me butting in, but folk have the right to clown around if that's how they feel/write. I like reading everyone's particular points of view, and if the editors on abctales need to sort out weird stuff, they will. No offence meant! Denise

Yes, Denise, but I do not like it if people make me sound imbecilic and cretin-like. You would not like it if you tried to have a sensible discussion and someone else would try to insult your intelligence by deriding you.

E di

You can only control the things you write. If l was having a sensible discussion and someone took the mick or whatever, it's them who're the idiots. Not you, them. Peace to you from sunny Edinburgh.

Thank you, denni1.