Falling in a stagnant State

I find it hard in todays to stay focused on what we truly want, and not because we cant but because there are so many different facets of entertainment and distraction. In essesence do we not all basically know where we would like to be in the future. I for one have a pretty good idea, but more times than not I find myself wasting my precious time on things that have no return on investment. I believe that just like myself more people need to be working on bettering themselves and the envirnoment that is around them. 

Lets just take a look at how much time we actually do spend on things that absolutely have no correlation to what our short and long term goals are in life. Do you not think that if we spent as much time on the things we truly want we could not accomplish them eventually. Im sure that we all can qoute murphy law, Objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. I believe that this holds true to our lives as well. If you keep focused 100% and do no stray away from that path than it is inevitable within life to accomplish what you want. What I see happening more times than not is people express with word what they want but they do not follow through in there actions. One of my favorite qoutes dealing with this issue is 'Talk is cheap until you hire a lawyer' which is true, anyone can say something smart or goal oriented. To achieve and be in the classification of the top 10% you must do what the other 90% are not doing. This is extremely difficult in todays society because like I stated before so many different things are pulling us away from our goals. 

In my opinion you must suffer with the rest of the 90% until you have busted you're ass unlike them and you will soon find yourself climbing the ranks. What comes with this is losing friends and dealing with the naysamers that are doubting you. What they are really saying is im too fucking lazy and stagnant to do what you are doing will you please just stay here and be content with me and you're friends. Friends will come and go people are resources and they come and go just as such. Lifes full of bubbles and when you enter into another bubble of society you leave your friends and all of the negative things that come with it. I wish someone would tell it like it is. You might need to walk over some people and do things that are inconvenient or awkward but as long as you have that gut feeling that it is right just like picking your first answer rather than changing it is usually right. 

I hate the politically correct society that we live in nowadays because it has brainwashed individuals into not being themselves but rather transforming into what makes society comfortbale. We are not fucking robots, yes being a good manored person is great but going against you're beliefs to impress someone is wrong. If what If my core values and goals go against what you believe in than we probably shouldnt be friends. If you hang out with dogs you are going to get fleas. A great person once said you will make within 5K of the 5 people you hang out with the most, people need to pick there friends and use there time in a manner that is going to make them prosper. Sit down relax and take a break from society to understand what you really want, write it down and become obsessively focused on it. Ignore all the outside forces trying to pull you from the yellow brick road that you have built for yourself. Lifes a game where you have one life dont fuck it up. To the best of my knowledge we do not have a time machine so time is the most valuable asset any person can have. Nobody on this earth can control the time but we can control how we use ours. The suns going to rise in the morning and what the fuck are you going to do about it. Think about it! 

Just like Outkast said  

"You need to git up, git out and git somethin'

Don't let the days of your life pass by

You need to git up, git out and git somethin'

Don't spend all your time tryin' to get high

You need git up, git out and git somethin'

How will you make it if you never even try

You need to git up, git out and git somethin'

'Cuz you and I got to do for you and I"






I like your blog. I think you have much about the truth and reality of life here. It is a bit of a race for most of us, and time runs out too quickly. I must admit that for myself I have completely given up the search for the perfect career because I have failed to find one and there does not seem to be much worth aiming for. A good or reasonable education doesn't seem to lead to a fulfilling career, or to be worth much, but I am sure that is not everyone's conclusion so keep trying if you have the stamina.
Even writing, as most of us know only too well on abctales, is hardly a path to success. But we enjoy it because we like it, and it is the product of our education which cannot be exercised in the working world.
I understand what you say about political correctness, it does get a bit over the top.
But it is true that if you have a good plan you should strive for it, and you have to be efficient about it!