Short Story collections...
Sun, 2003-07-06 18:29
Short Story collections...
If you wanted to get a collection of short stories you have written published do you have to go through the same process as normal novels? As you can't really send in the first three chapters as chapters dont really fit in to short stories do they!
I think the first step to get a collection of short stories published is to become a famous novelist.
Probably better to try sending them to magazines than book publishers.
Ah right, thanks
Yes, I agree. Short story collections are notoriously difficult to get published unless, as David says, you have a name already.
Small presses are a good place to start.
Here's a list that might be helpful:
Alternatively, you can try the POD's - some charge, some don't. If you stories can be described as 'experimental', Bluechrome Publishing might be interested
Good luck.
wow, that's a lot.
I feel obliged to warn you off one company who probably WILL publish your stories: PublishAmerica. If you want to read about my experiences with them click here:
The PublishAmerica Saga
I'll have a look, thanks.
Another suggestion - buy Bookseller and keep your eye out for agents leaving agencies to set up on their own.
Submitting short stories to new agents can help you get representation - and representation can lead to you getting money to free up time to write a novel.
Thanks for the warning, David. I have a friend who is publishing through them, so I've mailed him the link.
Hi, I suggest that get some of your stories published in magazines as well as trying some competitions, you might get calls from agents.
Good luck