Toby Litt
Reading the new Toby Litt book Finding Myself and - I like Toby Litt - I like his short stories - but the man just cannot write a novel. Beatniks is just a bad novel (nothing happens!!). Corpsing is - alright. Deadkidsongs is better - the best novel he's written - but even that - you get to the end and it's like watching the guy with the cakes in Sesame Street (the guy falls down the stairs, the cakes get everywhere).
As far as Finding Myself is concerned. On the one hand he wants to be experimental (oh look, this book is not a "finished" book - it's a draft, complete with editor's comments in blue ink! how droll!!) and on the other he's desperate to be Henry James (nothing happens, lots of character study) - and one does battle with the other.
Finding Myself is narrated by a young Jilly Cooper sort - "celebrated ChickLit author Victoria About" - and the novel is described by Litt as Big Brother by way of Virginia Woolf - which sounds horrible - and the book is horrible but not in that way.
Am currently suppressing desires to do said book extreme violence.