My very own book - everyone welcome
Sun, 2003-06-22 23:49
My very own book - everyone welcome
I'm not doing this again, so pay attention. My travelogue, A Slow boat to Moscow, is now available for everyone at the Book Place - ABC's chosen vendor. I just tried to paste in the URL, but it's so long it's like a troll on acid (imagine!)
For those of you not familar with the above vendor, it's also on Amazon. In either case, just type in the title on their search engine and you'll be rewarded.
I've never read any Bill Bryson, but I'm reliably informed that although it'll sell less copies than his latest tome, it beats the **** out of his mundane prose (sorry Bill, I owe you a pint).
Please read my poems aswell.
Love, barenib.
Consider it bought sunshine!
It's a strange trip to take to try and buy a new Centre Half, but you Spurs fans will do anything to get a result in Europe.
Up the Orient!
Nice one John.
Fancy a drink sometime?
And a damn fine read it is too.
Just got my copy and read it in a single sitting, despite the rest of the family hammering on the loo door.
John, why didn't you sign it as well?
Review on the way... Just as soon as I finish today, which is my last day at work for a bit
Cheers Jeff,
Didn't sign it in case you used it as loo paper - which it seems might have been a distinct possibilty! I'll send you a signed sticker - might look good on your loo door?
My copy is still intact, we haven't run out of Andrex yet. review posted on Amazon, tried to post on UKA but site seems to be down, will try again later.