The Passion Of Christ A La Mel Gibson

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The Passion Of Christ A La Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson is known for making outrageous comments in a calm, well-modulated tone. He once said that "being a celebrity is like having AIDS." I sometimes wonder how anyone can make such an idiotic comment. He not only ends up offending celebrities, but also people with AIDS, and most of all, celebrities with AIDS who have died.

He has since become more moderate in his statements, although many Catholics know that he belongs to an extreme wing of Catholicism that does indeed blame Jews for the crucifixion of Christ and probably believes that they, this subsect of Catholicism, are the new chosen people, the Zionism of an extreme wing of Catholicism, if I may rephrase.

In Dosteovsky's THE BROTHER'S KARAMAZOV, Ivan is making a transition from being a Christian to being a modern, practical, atheistic, socialist personality, and he has lucidreams in his waking life... he wonders, "If Christ did everything but actually kill the Romans... he is a poet or a dreamer that inspires a revolution... in another thousands years, Christians killed off many pagans, destroyed many libraries, waged wars against infidels, pagans, witches, etc... ALL IN THE NAME OF CHRIST, and then they began to kill off the Jews, again in the name of Christ. The Germans would appropriate the methods of the church in their national, racial fundamentalism... and all this was forseen by Dostoevsky, the prophet, the writer. In his notebook, he speaks of cultural cannibalism, cultural relativism in which everything is permissible and also of cultural fundamentalism in which everything is permissible but nothing is said.

There's something so fundamentally idiotic about trying to portray the life of God's incarnation on earth as truthfully as possible... if Mel Gibson is an eyewitness of God's life, what does that make him? Does it make him one of the five disciples who tell the narrative of God on earth? Mark, Luke, John, Matthew and Mel Gibson? Also, Christ's Jewishness and his angry fits, his random complaints, his impatience with his disciples, his moodswings, and his absolute inability to understand power and its mechanics except as a "sacrifice" of pleasure is something that should be stressed in the film but IT IS NOT. We often say that the prophets are inspired by God or the Holy Ghost and even by Christ. That the Holy Ghost enters one and transforms one into a spiritual being so that we can receive "Christos" as our saviour, but we also stress the humanity of Jesus, that he is human and divine simultaneously... I would say that he would almost preternaturally be schizophrenic in a human body and would have a difficult time adjusting to it.

To return to THE BROTHER'S KARAMAZOV, Ivan complains that Aloysha does nothing about evil because he thinks that God will do something, that God will answer his prayers, but Aloysha completely ignores the history of the church and its absolutist ways, its appropriation of the naked power of God as its own sole property.

Mel Gibson, as he has shown in so many of his statements, sees himself as a victim. Perhaps he is so able to sympathize with Christ's pain because he has suffered for his art so very much. I would only give one small suggestion to Mr. Gibson for I do feel that the movie deserves praise and is even serious, Spartan, condensed, and is sublimely beautiful at times. I WOULD SIMPLY SUGGEST THAT MR. GIBSON LISTEN TO THE NARRATIVES OF THE MINORITIES IN HOLLYWOOD OR ACADEMIA and the kind of suffering that they've endured for doing something so minuscule... for merely a breach of etiquette.

LISTENING, one is listening to the subtext, to what is being said behind the social vocabulary of what one hears. Listening, one learns what another person is ashamed of, feels gulity about, and the concave, convex relationship between the inner, private self and the outer, public self.

Anonymous's picture
Interesting points there, Steven. I don't think it's a bad idea to do this film, but then I don't think Jeshua ben Miriam was anything more that any other bi-polar who considered himself The Big I Am. More fool people like Mel for reading too much into two-thousand year-old bits of papyrus (and this is aimed at the Protestants as well, so don't get all bolshie with me). I do find it hard to believe that Mel himself is anti-Semitic though - surely all his years of living in American and working in Hollywood has meant the accumulation of a good number of Jewish friends? But I could be wrong, and with a father like he's got, it's small wonder people are looking askance at him. I will have to judge for myself whether the film casts Jewish people in a bad light. Sadly, so many Catholics have shown themselves to be anti-Semitic, what with beatifying people like Pius XII, and taking till Vatican II to absolve the Jews from 'killing' JC, it's small wonder that they're generally perceived to be like that anyway. But you gotta hand it to them that the establishment of the Roman Catholic church was a slick piece of marketing and projection. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
There are Jews that I hate also. Sometimes you meet one at a bar and all he speaks of are discounts and how much he hates America. Mel Gibson is an anti-Semite because he thinks that Jews are the ones who are victimizing him. It's completely untrue. So he sees Jesus as a Jew who was tortured by the Jews. Some Christians also say that some of their best friends are Jewish. Of course, they mean Jesus Christ and Moses and others. I think some of these Protestants are crazy... because that's the most anti-Jewish comment that they can make. They are saying that they like Jews who hate Jews. Of course, Freud wrote a paper called "Moses and Monotheism" in which he argued that the anti-Jewish element in Moses comes from his Egyptian heritage. I don't think that Moses was anti-Jewish but the ministers present him in that manner. Moses was forsaken by God because he lost his mind. I do understand what you are saying...but I find this whole idea that the Jews rule the world or control everything absurd. Jewish people, to me, especially American Jews are intensely realistic people. They are willing to confront real issues whereas most Americans, Europeans, Asians evade the issues and I do think that there is something heroic about that.
Anonymous's picture
As for your comment about Catholics, I do believe that we make a distinction between God's world and the secular world. Protestantism, with its push toward secularizing the religion of Protestantism are trying to destroy that demarcation, and I find that to be extremely disturbing. Santa Clause is the secularization of God... Jesus Christ gift of "salvation" is the gift that God gives to the good. That's one marketing gimick that actually intensely successful. I believe in the separation of the church and state. Protestantism is blurring that distinction.
Anonymous's picture
Hi Steven, I'll certainly check out that paper by Freud. So I could be mistaken by Mel and he really is an anti-Semite then? Well more fool him, though I will probably have more to say about this when the film comes out in the UK. Are you in the US? Yes, it does seem that it's getting more religious over there, in the sense that you talk about ie, church and state together. From what I can gather Ireland's still in the grip of the church as well, but I won't comment further than that because I don't really know all the facts (even though I'm half Irish myself). As for this paranoia that the Jews run everything... that's a bit of jealousy I think on the parts of the accusers.
Anonymous's picture
Well, Jews have been enslaved, killed off, lied to and maligned so many times in history that their stance against forms of authoritarian rule are completely justified historically. However, there is truth in stereotypes too, but what I am simply saying is... let's be honest with ourselves... the Jewish critique of nature and forms of natural religions is the very basis of Western philosophy and exclusionism... it is this very heroic spirit that has made the West the dominant power in the world....
Anonymous's picture
AS for IRELAND, it is a very religious country. IT is not a nihilistic country like Germany nor an elitist country like France... it is a matter of European countries treating Ireland as though they were a bunch of lunatics or madmen whereas they are more democratic than any other European country.
Phil Miller
Anonymous's picture
I think some of us are missing the entire point of the movie. The message in the film is love and forgiveness. There is no anti-anything. I saw the movie two days after its release here in the U.S. and the message I took from it is to love and forgive your enemies as well as your friends. The only thing I can decipher from this thread is either many have not seen the film, or didn't understand it. Phil
Anonymous's picture
LOVE, there's a word that is misused... Christ's love? God sacrifices himself for mankind because he loves the world so much that he extends the gift of salvation to everyone who believes in him? IS THAT LOVE? IT preaches hate to the Jews, love to an extreme wing of Catholics, who like Protestant fundamentalists, do everything but take up the gun... Again, IVAN in BROTHERS KARAMAZOV does everything but actually kill FATHER KARAMAZOV. He is conveniently absent after having coached Smyrmakov (misspelled) on every detail of the killing. Protestant fundamentalists are aligned ideologically to the KKK, Aryan Groups etc. Catholic fundamentalists, I suppose, are aligned to European Fascists.
Anonymous's picture
Catholics, I must emphasize and I include myself in this category, also kept silent during the Holocaust. There were many Catholics who helped out the Jews but the establishment kept absolutely silent. As for the KKK, Aryan groups, Euro-Fascists: these people make their money off of petty theft, credit card fraud, identity theft, threatening and killing illegal and legal immigrants, blowing up buildings with pay, etc. You can go to their websites and they preach love and kindness too. They even play the "RIDERS IN THE STORM" by the Doors.
Phil Miller
Anonymous's picture
-IS THAT LOVE? - Yes it is, I am sorry that you do not understand it. -You can go to their websites and they preach love and kindness too.- There is a huge difference between simply preaching love and kindness, and preaching love and kindness toward EVERYONE. Phil
Anonymous's picture
If your neighbor kills your family and robs you of all your money and then confesses to it and asks for forgiveness and then asks for a place in your home, WOULD YOU LET HIM IN? Let me try to understand what you are saying. GOD, who is infinitely superior to mankind, GOD who is all good, all knowing, and all powerful DECIDES to become a human so as to understand what it means to be human so that he may extend his gift even to criminals who confess their sins on the cross after having killed many men. SO by this logic, King David, Solomon and all these people in the OLD TESTAMENT must also be in heaven, including Adam, Eve, maybe even Cain as along as he confessed his sins and asked for salvation from God.
Phil Miller
Anonymous's picture
>If your neighbor kills your family and robs you of all your money and then >confesses to it and asks for forgiveness and then asks for a place in your >home, WOULD YOU LET HIM IN? I don't know if I would or not, but I know I SHOULD. >all these people in the OLD TESTAMENT must also be in heaven, There is no way for me to know the answer to that. There is no way for any of us to have that undisputable answer. This is where faith comes in. Each person has his own definition of faith. Phil
Anonymous's picture
Phil, there have been cases of monasteries letting in killers. They killed the monastic priests. I believe that we have to pay the tax dollars for that. WHY WHY WHY WHY ASK WHY DRINK BUD DRY!
Anonymous's picture
VOYAGER: Actually, let me just analyze your argument. THE PASSION OF CHRIST is not really what will cause waves of anti-semitism. It is really the violent Israelis who will cause anti-semitism. My Point #1: Arabs are semitic people also. My point #2: Israeli has won every single war in the region without resorting to nuclear weapons so that the PLO and other terrorist groups have resorted to a tactic of killing as many Israelis and Americans as possible without making the numbers "WAR" numbers while clothing this terrorist war as a holy war as to win sympathy with Moslems all over the world. Such cowardice and stupidity and barbarity YOU CALL CIVILIZED? My point #3: Mel Gibson's movie has also done much good. I was simply stating that it was in the current political context "anti-semitic" toward the Arabs as well as the Jews because some Arabs or Palestinians who supposedly were in Israel before the Israelis and Zionists took it over by force, but THERE SEEMS TO BE NO HISTORICAL RECORD THAT PALESTINE EXISTED BEFORE THE 1860's. IN OTHER WORDS, IT WAS LITERALLY THE CREATION OF BRITISH IMPERIALISTS who justified their colonization of the MIDDLE EAST BY MEANS OF ZIONISTS. SO, the British Imperialists and the Arab Imperialists are the only ones who are accountable for the bloody situation in the Middle East!
Pompous n' Picky
Anonymous's picture
<<<<>>> Do you mean "they're" rather than "that's"? If you're going to attack another poster for their grammar, you'd better make sure that your own is faultless dearie.
Anonymous's picture
OH GRAMMATICAL MASTER!!!!! *I HAVE FINALLY FOUND MY MASTER!* AS Jesus Christ once supposedly said, "Pluck out the wood beam in your own eyes so that you may see better as to analyze other's faults better." This is rather a modern translation.
Anonymous's picture
Mistress, if you don't mind.
Martin Caritan
Anonymous's picture
I just saw Passion. If asked what I think about the Movie ? I'd say if you were lost or you have strong faith. "MESSAGE RECEIVED" The whole Catholic or Christian faith is based on one concept. The truth, life after death, the hope, the goal and teachings the way to GOD regardless of religion is a UNIVERSAL CONCEPT. I have been away from my faith and experienced other teachings. I must say he is an advanced soul if he is not the son of GOD. As for any cause for anti-sematism. Its not about the Jews its about people (ancient times , present times and people yet to come) renouncing the TRUTH. The violence and hate are manifestation of rejection its beyond Hollywood special effects . I did not see it as a physical pain but emotional pain. The Truth is a personal thing with GOD. I was raised catholic and It took me 38 years before realizing what the guy in a white robe in a podium in the Church is preaching. If it takes this kind of experience to teach us about the Message then so be it. It may be in the church or a movie theater, a priest or a director a holy mass or a hollywood movie. Whatever it takes to get the message across. Thank you for reminding me that there is HOPE. Thank you for this Movie. LOVE ONE ANOTHER! martin [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
We all have another reality and the problem is we CAN only percieve our own!
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