Buddha Da by Anne Donovan

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Buddha Da by Anne Donovan

I just had that rarest of experiences - I read an entire novel in an afternoon, and loved it. Anyone else read this? It's written in the Scottish vernacular and immensely readable. It's about a working-class family living in Glasgow; the Dad gets into Buddhism and manages to alienate his entire family. It manages to combine moments of high farce - three Buddhist priests being whisked to a flat in a rough area to tell a new mother her child is the reincarnation of a Tibetan lama - with really touching asides on everyday life.
I heartily recommend it - it's due out in paperback and thought-provoking without being wanky.

Anonymous's picture
Yes, I thought it was wonderful. Loved the glaswegian-ness of it, and the sheer dottiness. I second that recommendation! [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
If people want to buy in from Amazon, they should of course click through the link at the bottom of abctales. :o)
Anonymous's picture
The link above is from ABC tales.
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