ABCtales - an important announcement

Dear ABCtalers,

It is with a heavy heart that I have to inform you all that if no one is found to take over ABCtales then it will close on December 31st. Costs, especially after Brexit (our server is in the USA and is paid for in dollars), have risen whilst donations have dipped - and it is now running at a loss that I can no longer sustain.

There are moves afoot to try and take it forwards. I want no money for the site but I do want guarantees that it will be run in the fair and reasonable manner it has always been administered - open to all, free from harrassment and liberal in attitude.

I do hope that someone will shoulder the responsibility but I felt it was only fair to warn you all that closure is a possibility. I will keep you informed. If you know of anyone who may feel like taking it on then please feel free to email me at

My love and thanks to you for 17 years of support and fantastic creativity.

Tony Cook