emily's ABC dating agency

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emily's ABC dating agency

i am sure i saw a message from emily re the above ... now i cant find it ... so may have been hallucinating ...

my question is this .... WHO in their right mind would want to go out with a POET????

ivy the mechanic
Anonymous's picture
any offers?
Anonymous's picture
Not another thin disguise?
Anonymous's picture
I love "charisma of sound" I don't know any musicians or writers (apart from my brother) but if you're female AVOID ARTISTS
Anonymous's picture
do you mean visual artists fey?
bitter and twisted
Anonymous's picture
Yes. But I've been thinking. It is a very onesided way of putting it. Lesbian ones might be fine, I don't know. Men might be terrible if you're another man. Somewhere out there there MIGHT be a painter/sculptor who is not completely despicable once you get to know him...
Anonymous's picture
OK fey, spit it out, either you're bitter about an experience with an artist, I suspect recently, or you're just plain twisted! Which is it?
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
So from the way this thread is going, does that mean that the *last* sort of person a writer wants to date is a fellow creative type (which seems surprising given the amount of flirting on this list)? PS: mingulaymary - Computer programmes can be 'creative types' too, because they usually have a great imagination - look at how many play fantasy roleplaying games!
Anonymous's picture
That shut 'em up, Tony.
Anonymous's picture
*warning to emily* avoid anyone who plays fantasy roleplaying games ...
Anonymous's picture
i remain unconvinced ... and further evidence in support of my argument is that nobody has come up with a suggestion of an ABC taler worth dating based on their work ...
Anonymous's picture
do you include yourself in statement IFB?
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Haven't dated one since I was 15 but he was harmless enough :-)
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Well spotted - it's in the Wendy Cope thread. Good question - I'm guessing 'other poets'. Although it could lead to some interesting turf-wars on ABCtales if they split up and both write about it...
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
in my experience the only thing worse than going out with another poet is going out with a musician ... are all creative types a nightmare???? to quote dorothy parker (a favourite of mine ranking right up there with pam ayres) ... "oh for a man who solicits insurance ...." from Bohemia ... a must read ...
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Musicians ARE a nightmare - particularly ones who've been musicians for years and the only reason they haven't made it is 'the industry doesn't understand them'! But writers can be good fun - maybe it depends on what they write? Could be a fun way of finding out about someone before you meet them - rather than going on a blind date or basing your selection on a 20 word classified ad, you could read someone's work before you decide to go out with them. Maybe this could be a new thread - who's the sexiest/ most dateable person on the site, based only on their work...
Anonymous's picture
well its obviously mississippilianabert ... lolololol
Anonymous's picture
Oh Ivory, I thought we agreed we wouldn't let anyone come between us and now you've included the transexual from the other message board. How can you be so frivolous and fickle? It appears that Luverly Dubberly doesn't like musicians so I suppose as an amateur musician / singer / dare I say writer and onetime hopeful actor (I went to drama school for a year) I am not going to be on her hotlist!
Anonymous's picture
Not fair Now l am a transexual too Lianabert does have a nice ring to it though..... hmmm where DID l leave my size 12 stilettoes........
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
I don't know - the writing kind of balances the being a musician thing... To be fair, musicians can be great - I used to work in the music industry and a lot of my mates are musicians (sounding strangely like people who claim not to be racist/homophobic etc by saying 'but a lot of my friends are black/gay whatever...). However, the ones I've dated have been typical over-emotional creatives - smashing up guitars when I dumped them and stuff... so it does tend to set of warning bells. And I much prefer what I think of as *real* music - people who (shock, horror) actually sing and play their instruments (and getting back to an earlier thread, have good lyrics) which rules out a lot of the musicians around today!
Anonymous's picture
this message board is compulsive .,... i am considering getting some therapy ...
Anonymous's picture
Now you've really got me interested Luverly, I'm intrigued by the smashing of guitars bit. Whatever is it that you are or do that has the effect of making men destroy their guitars? How many guys have you dumped and why, I hope you're not one of these modern girls that use men and cast them aside like litter, I've just become the victim of one such and it's not nice! By the way you didn't happen to dump either Jimi Hendrix or Pete Townshend did you?
Anonymous's picture
and this inevitably leads to a new thread ... dumper or dumpee ... although i was tempted to start one "writers favourite sandwich fillings ..."
Anonymous's picture
Why not combine the two Ivoryswisheart, I was dumped by my favourite sandwich filling!
Anonymous's picture
And here's me with two tickets for a concert tomorrow night! Sighs!
Anonymous's picture
errrrm ... which concert???? *airily*
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
What a fascinating debate - as someone who is married to an artist - and we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversay recently - I can only say that it does all work out if you're willing to ride the rocky road of two creative people in the same house - and in our case giving life and nurture to three further creatives. The female teenage years are a tad disturbing (I'm just re-hanging all the doors as our youngest, who's 15, does it all over again) but it all works out for the best of all possible ends in the best of all possible words (but look what happened to Candide). Oh dear I've gone all esoteric.
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Mississippi, I was perfectly nice, honest - he just got a little overwrough. I couldn't possibly comment on how many guys I've dumped cos I'm a lady, and we don't talk about things like that, but I've been the dumpee as much as the dumper, so I'm not really the callous caster-aside of innocent men! As to Jimi and Pete, well... I couldn't possibly comment ;-)
Anonymous's picture
hmmmmmmm musicians are more dangerously attractive than writers, that's the problem. Writers are more likely to rely upon an their reputation and clever way with words than the charisma of sound. Stick to computer programmers and mechanics. Of course female mechanics are quite rare, thus ideal for those lonely male writers looking for romance.
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