ABC getting more international!

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ABC getting more international!

I can't help noticing that ABC seems to have spread its wings to the USA, Canada and Australia and possibly many other spots round the globe. It would be interesting to hear just where our tales are written/read - is that possible, ABC team?

I get the fascinating and very worthwhile A Word A Day (AWAD) emailed to me daily. Once a month they send round a list of where subscribers are from, based on their domain names. Apart from 266,000-odd from .com, there are 117 from Micronesia, 24 from Niue, 11 from Moldova, 6 from Kyrgyzatan and 4 from Tuvulu. Now I bet you've been waiting all day for that information!
For anyone who's interested go to:

Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Dear Mandy, I'll do an analysis for all registered users in our next mailing - which should come out shortly! I can tell you that we have users from all over the world - including the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and if you know where they are without looking at a map then I'm very impressed indeed! The majority of our users are from the UK with the USA fast coming up followed by Canada, the Netherlands, India, South Africa, New Zealand, India, Australia and Malaysia - in that order (roughly). But we have had hits from all over including the somewhat spooky USA government. That's the joy of the internet, isn't it? pip pip, tc
Anonymous's picture
Lovely that my home country (the Netherlands) is so well represented. Are you, Dutch users, Dutch or British/American/Canadian/Other Expats? If you are Dutch, do you find (like I do) that the English language is so much more versatile than our own? Or is it because I never really tried to write in Dutch? I started writing poetry only very recently and, as I live in the UK, English was the obvious choice.
David Taub (aka...
Anonymous's picture
It is inevitable that this site will attract more and more readers/subscribers from around the world. In particular, I will pretty much bet that the US share will grow dramatically as word spreads. Although I am a Brit journalist and columnist, having lived in the US for four years, I know that US subscribers will soon be adding ABC's website link to theirs. I've already asked my webmaster to add it to my website
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Thanks very much. If you mail me a 25 word description of your site, I'll add it to our links page. I was thinking of adding a new page/section, 'Links to ABCtalers Websites' so if anyone else would like to be on there, mail me your site address along with your ABCtales username and a 25 word description. Cheers Emily
Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
Hi Mandy: I'm a prime example of a reader/writer who is from Canada. I've told several people about ABCtales so, like yourself, I'm sure there are many international writers/readers. I'll check out the wordsmith link. Thanks, Mandy. Barry Wood
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