Lateral thinking puzzle

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Anonymous's picture
too easy too old too short
Lisa Mangan
Anonymous's picture
Nice try, but no banana. These are wall switches and the basement is empty of anything except you.
Anonymous's picture
I said it was old!! *in a huff now*
albert einstein
Anonymous's picture
it's all about turning on a switch, say A. and leaving it on for a while. then you turn it off and turn on B. switch, after which you go to the 2nd floor room. one light should be on and that's B. switch. then you feel the other bulbs. the warm bulb is A. the other, cold one is C. Eureka!!
Anonymous's picture
*watches liana's foot tapping as she stands with folded arms atop the pedestal*
albert einstein
Anonymous's picture
is there a prize sweet miss mangan? if so, this cloak of anonimity will be discarded faster than a collection of frank j foley's stories at a literary festival!
Pretty Morsel
Anonymous's picture
Aiming missile :o)
Lisa Mangan
Anonymous's picture
Well done, Mr E. The prize is the glory of being so clever. Now reveal yourself, or I'll give you another one to chew over.
albet einstein.
Anonymous's picture
clue is kind of in my last posting ... bit of lateral thinking for you miss mangan.
albert einstein
Anonymous's picture
actually, thinking about it, find it slightly disturbing that the disparaging ref. to frank j foley wasn't taken as ironic, but as a perfectly acceptable and natural put down! and i thought i was getting somewhere. bugger!
Mr Spotty Leer
Anonymous's picture
good anagram anali !
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
The lift one is something about being short and umbrellas. Liana is right on the cabin in the woods one, but wrong on the plums. Stick with that one, it is a good one to torment people with. There is an answer which makes complete sense and will appeal to anyone with a tendency to the pedantic.
Anonymous's picture
Is tha man a potato? Sorry, facetious of me...
Anonymous's picture
Here's one for you... Anthony and Cleopathra are lying dead on the floor of a one window room. There is a large wooden door locked from the inside. There is a puddle of water on the floor mixed with shattered glass. How were they killed?
Anonymous's picture
HEADACHE HEADACHE HEADACHE Which is what these puzzles give me
Anonymous's picture
The man was on the phone talked to a friend about a fish he caught. He got over excited when saying 'it was this big' and stretched both arms out. These mashed through the sides of the phonebox, the glass slicing his wrists. The box is his baitbox, and the piece of wood is his fishing rod. This is an old one which everyone already knows. Don't they?
Anonymous's picture
Q:Which name of a London tube station contains none of the letters in 'mackerel'? A:Not being familiar with London, I don't know the boundaries of the tube lines. But does 'St. John's Wood' count?
noel edmonds
Anonymous's picture
were the plums duff?
Ped Ant
Anonymous's picture
lisa mangan said that about two weeks ago. colin. pass the money along , there's a good boy.
Anonymous's picture
A and C are / were goldfish. Their bowl was standing on a lump of ice balanced on a wineglass...oh, I give up...
noel edmonds' wife
Anonymous's picture
he is a scarecrow and the birds ate them.
noel edmonds
Anonymous's picture
pretty crap scarecrow then!
spare us
Anonymous's picture
runs screaming from the room as noel edmonds comes to mind. ~who he ... ask the young wuns~
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
No the man is a flesh and blood human being. He has no superpowers. So how does a man without eyes see plums on a tree ? Clue, if you crack the first half, the second half about how he neither took plums nor left plums is easy, because it is the same trick to both.
Lisa Mangan
Anonymous's picture
aaaaggghhh I go crazy with the plums one. Did the man ever have eyes? Has he lost them recently?
sore plums
Anonymous's picture
could the man see anything else?
Lisa Mangan
Anonymous's picture
Did a blackbird pluck out his eyes and pop them in its nest on a plum tree? Allowing for the fact that it would actually be impossible for the eyes to function....Christ, I'm getting desperate! Is the man part of a picture, an image on a playing card? No real human flesh you said. Dohhh
auntie jackie
Anonymous's picture
Hi guys and gals, OK, here's one for you. A woman buys a kilo of coffee and a kilo of sugar. Both are loose, no bags etc. The shopkeeper has only one bag and puts both the loose sugar and coffee together in the one bag. When the woman gets home she has no problem with either the coffee or the sugar. How did she do it? AJ :>)
Anonymous's picture
i give up
Anonymous's picture
The girl with no eyes, who did she see? The girl with no eyes, She seems to be staring... (It's A Beautiful Day). Sorry got a bit carried away there... Probably before everybody's time except my own, anyway.
am going to swe...
Anonymous's picture
will some one get this before I go insane? my kids found me staring at our sloe tree (no, it doesn't move very fast) for inspiration tonight. it didn't work. ahhh there's my white jacket.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Okay, I'll repeat the poem again. Remember, it is a lateral thinking puzzle, so the wording is significant. If I used other words, the whole trick would unravel... A man without eyes Saw plums on a tree He neither took plums Nor left plums Now how could that be ? And as an additional clue, one letter of the alphabet is very significant in solving the puzzle. The reason why the man is a man without eyes is not of relevance in solving it.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Okay, I'll repeat the poem again. Remember, it is a lateral thinking puzzle, so the wording is significant. If I used other words, the whole trick would unravel... A man without eyes Saw plums on a tree He neither took plums Nor left plums Now how could that be ? And as an additional clue, one letter of the alphabet is very significant in solving the puzzle. The reason why the man is a man without eyes is not of relevance in solving it.
Anonymous's picture
The sugar was cubed and the coffee was in bean form, so when she got home she put the whole lot in a sieve with coarse... Look, no one ever gives ANSWERS on this thread - how will we gwow up to be intelligent pwersons if we don't know the ANSWERS!
Lisa Mangan
Anonymous's picture
Right, Monday mind games.... A man's lying dead in a field with an unopened package. How did he die? If you know it, hang fire. Let's get some questions going. lisa-bossy-mangan
Lisa Mangan
Anonymous's picture
Is eyes meant to be I's or ayes???? or Is 'saw' the act of sawing, in which case he need not have eyes to saw plums on a tree.
auntie jackie
Anonymous's picture
Hi, MandyL: Spot on and well done. Lisa: Frustration!! AJ :>)


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