The Fairyland Trust
Fri, 2001-06-22 18:41
The Fairyland Trust
I just found a wonderful new website that will appeal to the more dreamy among us all. It's; a website devoted to fairies and conservation. It's worth a looksee, especially if you have children or if the child within you hasn't ever grown up. Also, they are looking for writers to write fairy/conservation stories that will be read by professional storytellers at the events that are planned for the near future (unpaid, I must add). I am definitely going to get involved and Sarah Wise, the lady who is organising everything, was very excited about me telling ABC.
Tell me what you think.
Thanks, Wolfers. I'm very much into fairies and angels and other winged folk. Now, a wolf with wings, THAT would be something!
Checked out the Fairy Site. Glad to see they're into protecting Fairies and not those nasty little FAERIES that, according to W.B.Y, steal children...