pg rating???????? But why?

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pg rating???????? But why?

I just wondered why a poem of mine got a PG rating.

I can't remember the title; it's in my Splintered Glimpses thing. Is it because the letter X was in the title? Is it automatic? Are the 'editors' real? Are any of us?

Does it mean Pretty Good? Cos I can't think of any other reason for it being PG-ed. Especially when my "Get Tae F**K Shakespeare" is a U.

Not that it matters in the slightest.

I just wondered, that's all.

Anonymous's picture
Errr - I know he starred it out, but surely his Shakespeare thing should be PG too?
Diana Bird, Editor
Anonymous's picture
Hi, The Editors decide on each individual piece as to what they think the rating should be. I will have a look at your piece and see if PG is the right one. Thanks
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