your strangest cafe experience
Fri, 2001-10-26 13:02
your strangest cafe experience
I'm assembling strange cafe experiences for a show in a train station in a couple of weeks time. Anybody got anything to contribute?
robert MUST have one ...
One WHAT, Fish???
Was in a gay bar in Apeldoorn with a couple of female friends when a woman takes a seat next to me at the bar.she take a long look at me and spurts out "I know what your thinking, I have a gay brother too"
obviously this made me laugh enough to offer her a beer...
Sorry I haven't responded quicker. I was having fun with some marine life. Though, the crabs are difficult buggers to dump afterwards.
oh ha ha
I had a wierd cafe experience.
Well, it was a restaurant really.
I walked into an 'eating place' for the first time ever in Italy five years ago, and I knew the place back to front. I had dreamt about it a couple of times when I was about six years old.
Mine is quite boring. Just a bit of idle flirting turning into full on snogathon in front of the whole cafe.
Not weird enough?
Well it happened that the girl was my 'girlfriend' when I was five and went to Scotland and never saw her again until 15 years later in Somerset.
That is what I call weird, Hmmm maybe it was just that she moved. Anyway, I thought it was strange.
spag snogs people just because they move? ...
Anything that moves, Fish, Anything that moves.
*keeps very still*
Even marine life, Spag?
*locks up sprog's goldfish*
*taping rats down with gaffer tape*
My strangest cafe experience was once getting served in a Little Chef in less than two hours by a waitress who smiled.
Also, years ago I was enjoying the obligatory prawn cocktail, sirloin steak and Black Forest gateaux in the Berni Inn, North Street Wolverhampton when a woman asked me for my autograph because she thought I was Tom O'Connor (I had hair in those days - just in case anyone has been following the 'Male Vanity' thread - so this is not quite as bizarre as it sounds). I signed of course, not wishing to disappoint a lady.
Is it a crime, I ask, to impersonate a third-rate comedian in a second-rate steak house? No, that's unfair - those Berni steaks were well succulent.