Anti Knitting thread
Fri, 2002-06-07 10:09
Anti Knitting thread
Worried by the hooliganism breaking out on the site?
Come and join the anti knitting thread. The rules are:
1. No needles, wool, or patterns allowed.
2. No cardigans.
3. No sheep ( except guide sheep )
4. No knitting, purling, casting on, casting off, cross stitching, slip stitching or crochet.
5. No cardigans.
sew what!
*wonders if it's possible to have a tatt without 'oooohing'*
speaking from experience ari, no!
Very droll!
Knitting is crap but have you tried tatting? That really is where it's at.
Is that like tattooing, but without the 'ooo'?
I'm up for a bit of 'oooooing' without the tatt, if anyones game!
Stock up on that tatt; you can always trade it in for ......
what about anoraks?
*starts knitting a nice flowery tea-cosy...*
Oh this will be easy, I'll fling some needles, wool an a pattern just there, and then hop on my time machine and see what turns out.
*eons and eons pass*
Oh dear, the morlochs are not happy at all about being forced to wear cute little tank tops in lime green, yellow and orange....
has anyone tried using a knitting machine?
I am always tempted, but would i just end up with a knitted bedspread because i couldnt be arsed to change the shape?
knitted bedspreads look very heavy - like they would wreck a washing machine. maybe people who own them never wash them.
I just don't understand this thread/yarn. ;-)
I've always been mystified by people described as having knitted brows! How's that done then?
With great difficulty, especially if you have shaved them off altogether.
*pops head round door, dressed in chunky aran with matching bobble hat, sticks tongue out between V fingers and closes door again, satisfied*
*runs into thread and starts knitting like some manner of knitting-demon* Ha!
can anyone post a pattern for a thong? they are so quick to knit, even quicker in crochet!
really? Darn, if only I could really knit.
6. No darning
*opens up wicker basket, releasing litter of kittens vvv. excited about all the wool...let the games commence!*
*darns like a mad thing*
wanders around in really cool cardigan.....a bit wet as he just fell in a swimming pool...
you dont need to knit a thong dear..... just knot some triple ply wool together ... wind around hips and bum, et voila...
Hey, that's much easier. *cast knitting needles aside* Oh wait, we're not supposed to be casting things, are we?
Lovely! Actually destest and loathe knitting, crocheting, sewing, needlpoint, basket weaving...
And (most) other things remotely domestic.