My #1 Problem
For those of you expecting me to launch into a surge of bloodthirsty invective about the mole tearing up *my* golf-course, I should point out that this is my number one problem insofar as writing is concerned. Hence the forum.
How many different ways can you say 'he looked' or 'he walked' or 'he said'? I mean, before you start, I've got a thesaurus obviously, but I find it really difficult to monitor various characters in a story glancing at one another, scrutinising objects in the room, maybe staring out the window or whatever, without repeating myself. Look - in a sentence I used up pretty much all my synonyms. It sounds really crappy if you keep saying 'he lowered his eyes' or 'he looked up', but a lot of the time that's what my characters are doing! Does anyone have any ideas for getting beyond this 'repetition of simple actions' problem? Or should I make all my characters blind and confine them to glass jars in order to circumvent sidelong glances and them 'getting to their feet' altogether?