Blatant and shameless self-promotion!

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Blatant and shameless self-promotion!

I feel a bit guilty about doing this, but they say that if you want a book to sell these days you have to promote it yourself. My novel, originally posted on this site, is being published later this year and I've just put up a website about it. There are also several links to pieces of my writing that are currently on the abctales site.

Here's the address:

As I have been naughty and also posted this on the forum for discussing writing from abctales, perhaps if people want to make comments they could make them there rather than here so that I don't greedily take up two threads?

Warm regards to all, and thanks especially for the comments people made here which I've used on my site!



Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Eric - no problems using the site for this! Part of the re-build - now in beta testing mode (wowie zowie) - will mean that all ABCtalers with books to promote will be able to do so very easily. We want to build the community in every way we can!
Eric (cellarscene)
Anonymous's picture
Thanks, Tony! Much appreciated!
Eric (cellarscene)
Anonymous's picture
Hi, Chuck! Thanks, but please post a URL for us to read about your book!
Eric (cellarscene)
Anonymous's picture
Thanks, Chuck. I eventually tracked down your book on the bookstore's website. I could post the URL for it but then maybe you have decided that you don't want to do this? Some interesting reviews there! R. Eric Swanepoel, author of The Computer Ager (Saving the World and Having Fun) [%sig%]
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