New ideas(reality)
Fri, 2004-04-23 01:55
New ideas(reality)
Those producers seeking a new innovative reality show with a real benefit to the public, besides the entertainment value. Contact me. The time is now to change the way reality shows are viewed by giving them real substance.
How do I get paid on the idea if it is used.
Generally, you don't.
Instead of wife swapping.
Mix and match sexual preferences, religious believes, cultural differences.
Homophobic with Homosexuals.
Religious fanatics with advent Atheist.
Racist with ( Who ever they are racist against). Etc.
Each has to live under the life style and mind set of the other and attempt to convert there counter part to there argument.
Sparks would fly!
Vets In Theory: (people with mail-order vetinary degrees from non-accredited universities attempt to cure real live farm animals)
Someone did that (the BBC, I think) It was called 'Living with the Enemy' or something like that.
'My Kingdom for an original idea'
*Puts thinking Cap on*
OK. What about.........................Culture Shock....................................
A bit like Wife swap. But with a defined Cultural Difference.
You take two Culturally different back - ground, Families.
One has to live according to the strict Cultural rules of the other and the other way around.
The family that most adheres to the other families Cultural rules, i,e. Codes of conduct, codes of dress, codes of religious believes and code eating etc, win some irresistible prizes.
The public get educated on the finer details of cultural differences and the entertainment factor is in the predictable cultural conflict.
Suppose this to has been done before.
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i came up with this idea a while back and I still think it's a good one.
poets swap poetry and try to repunctuate each other's verse. So maybe where one has a comma another might put a semicolon that sort of thing then they meet and discuss why. it could be educatinoal and confrontational if you know what i mean.
Why not just a normal couple... What I mean to say is...
A family with both sets of grandparents, parents not divorced, aunts, uncles and cousins that all get on... and kids well balanced that are doing well at school.
Then the others no one ever wants to live next too. Prison, on the dole, body tattoos and divorce, a broken family structure - beer - yobby type. This could get some positive and negative feed back...
Let em swop lives for a week I recon it would be great to see Mr and Mrs perfect coping with a different set of rules... Even if its only the brawl down the local, same for the family that havent had quiet so many great opportunities - wow it'd certainly be entertaining... haha
Pornstars The Rivals. Title speaks for itself.
Celebrity Seige of Leningrad. Various minor celebrities have to live off rats and rain water in a bombed out building, ever week one of them is shot by a sniper.
Sorry? Say that again?
i have a new great idea for a reality show. i want to sell it or write for it but dont know how to go about it. i also dont want anyone taking my idea and making billions off it. i want to find someone or someplace i can trust.
I think a reality show that helps people to get out of debt would be awesome. Imagine you had people sign up who really had a lot of debt they wanted to get out of. The show could include some of the following ideas:
--assessment of how bad their debt was; breaking it down in some kinds of forms so that views could see / understand their situation
--consultations with financial counselors for each of the "teams on the show"
--challenge would be for the individuals to come up with a plan to get out of debt and start putting into some practice some ideas within a given time-limit...who could make the most progress within the time-limit.
I work for a publishing company for new book ideas, and am currently editing a handbook on family finances. I think that I've come across lots of ideas within this book that could be used on the reality show as a starting to set up retirement funds, wise investing, savings accounts, etc. I know the author personally (happens to be my boss) and he might be willing to contribute to this project.
What do you think?
Kelly Tait
My idea for a reality T V show is:
A UK Rock Idol contest would be good, but no Simon Cowell, maybe an ex-rock singer male and female, a music producer from a label that publishes Rock Bands/singers music, for the judging panel.
It would give young lads and girls a chance to play the sort of music they prefer. This is the age group that we need to help culture and grow and music is very enjoyable, especially when they're making up lyrics and playing the instruments themselves. It would keep them on the straight and narrow and give them pleasure, and help the ones easily led who turn to drugs and drink or worse, suicide.
That's my idea.Earl Townsend wrote:
> Those producers seeking a new innovative reality show with a
> real benefit to the public, besides the entertainment value.
> Contact me. The time is now to change the way reality shows are
> viewed by giving them real substance.