The Good Doctor
This was a short-listed book in last year's Booker Prize and didn't seem very inspiring - dull cover. However, I picked it up in Borders and was immediately hooked.
It's set in South Africa. A new doctor turns up at a hospital that had originally been set up in a area that had been set aside for black self-determination but since the collapse of aparteid is now more or less a ghost town.
The doctor wants to make changes but finds resistence from the old guard. Most of the action seems to take place below the surface, the style is minimal, and the character all caught in some kind of absurd dilemma.
Easch character is real and fleshed out, but also representative of a type. This works without being heavy handed.
It reminded me a lot of early Coetzee, Graham Greene and had the power of McEwan. It was refreshing to read a book that really had something to say.
Much better than Vernon God Little. Without a doubt the best thing I've read this year.