Please read this story, it is very important to me.

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Please read this story, it is very important to me.

This is a story of my experience. A life changing experience for me that also helps me write. I want no reviews unless u feel u want to comment. I just want a few people to read this and understand some hardships that a child with my disease can face. And if ur child if u have one, is behaving this way, take my advice and bring them to a hospital. Thank you.

A Needle Saved My Life.
Yes I know it sounds odd but it is true. A needle saved my life. I know what you may think and no.
I am not a man who does drugs.For you see, a little more than two years ago at the age of 12 I began to sleep long hours. Long hours. The kinds hat range from 13 to 14 hours a day, everyday, for a month of the summer. I'd wake, eat and go sleep. Then I'd get up and be too tired to do much else, or it would be 5pm. My life began to unwind. I didn't eat. I couldn't.

Then one night I woke up. And my mom had tolds me that drinking water helped. So I did. I drank more than ten cups a day. I just drank and drank. And then I began to wake in the middle of the night to urinate. Then I'd drink more and have to go again in an hour. I couldn't sleep. Shadows began to form under my eyes. I lost so much weight. So much. And one day while I was sitting at my computer playing. I puked. Right on the screen. For no reason. I stumbled away and puked again.

Over the next few days I began to vomit at random times, once after dinner, another in the middle of a shopping mall. I hadn't grown over he summer. My mom was concerned. SHe asked me if I may be bulimic. I told her no. I felt boughts of sudden hunger nad thirst, often at night. Then one day while I my mom was at work I got up from the computer. My head swam and I remembered sinking slowly before I collapsed onto a bathroom stall. I never told my mother this.

Two days later my I woke and my vision was more blurred than usual. Over the past half a year my eyesight had become much worse. I stood up and found that I couldn't hold my cup to pour myself some water. My mom thought I may be dehidrated. She called the doctor while I puked. And puked. And puked. In thirty minutes I puked 15 times. I was so tired My mom had to carry me to the car because I couldn't walk more than a few feet before catching my breath.

I was rushed to the hospital, hooked up to IV's. My veins were blown three times before the IV could pierce my skin. I was ghost white. Shortly after I learned that I had juvenille diabetes. I didn't care. All I knew is while I sat with the IV in my vein I couldn't have water. God I must have cried because I couldn't have some. The normal human's blood sugar is 80-120. Mine at the time was 689. I was twelve years old and weighed 62 pounds. 62 pounds. I'm 14 and weigh 123. In two years my body weight doubled.

It turns out that I had suffered intence electrolight loss, or dehydration. My fat had been eaten away by my stomach acid and it begun to destroy my muscle tissue, which can never be returned. Don't worry I am fine today. I am in good shape. And every day, five times a day, I have a needle inserted into my stomach. I do this because without the insulin in the needle, I would slip into a coma and die. Because of this desease, my eyesight has become 300% worse than a normal pursons, and it continues to worsen, and I no longer have sugar.

I am fine now. but as this title says, a needle saves my life. And no matter how hard I try to forget, everyday I look in the mirror, I see a small 62 pound boy, pale as a ghost staring back at me. Thank you. The End