Waiting For The Greyhound Bus by Ivoryfishbone

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Waiting For The Greyhound Bus by Ivoryfishbone


Poems about writing poems are often a bit too self-referencing for me but this I find utterly charming

If the poem that was attached to the door was the same one that was attached to the bed then does that mean that all the other poems (the ones up the hill) were the same poem too? I'd find that annoying to be honest. I'd be bored by the time I got to the bed. You'd know that it was his (I'm saying 'his' in a 'could be a her' kinda way) bed because he was lying in it, so he didn't really need to put a poem on the bed. Or maybe he did just to confirm that it was really HIS bed that he was lying in and not someone elses. If he'd done photocopies of the poems then that would've annoyed me. I hope they were all handwritten. I don't think she should have been taken by the wrist, never take someone by a major artery...it brings out the natural defences in a person. A soft, beckoning palm on the waist just above the bum would have done it - or sufficed...for those canadians out there. There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennet

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

top poem. Deserves lots of reads.
It is indeed good and poem fo the week! Span
hey thanks neil and everyone am very chuffed to be poem of the week ... it's a funny thing ... sometimes you write a poem and people like it and you have no idea why ... i have this with a poem in my chapbook ... people frequently comment on it at readings and so on and i have NO idea why ... anyone else get this?
I like it. The charecter seems wanting, almost desperate for his love. I highly enjoyed it's witty language, and I think it's well deserving of poem of the week.

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

I like this one very much. thought of a trail of breadcrumbs, the distance and imagined steps, quite seductive/illusive very well done.


"people frequently comment on it at readings and so on and i have NO idea why ...anyone else get this?" Yah. I think it must happen to all poets. I generally have no idea why people pick up on certain poems of mine more than others. If something's too popular, relatively, I come over all snobbish and worry that it must be *bad* in order for it to have struck such a chord, that it must be too 'safe', too comfortably poetic. You know - lowest common denominator, the public having no taste and all that stuff. Good poem, Alison. Enjoyed it. ~ I'll Show You Tyrants * Fuselit * The Prowl Log * Woe's Woe
cheers jon xxx
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