Personality Product Promotion

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Personality Product Promotion

I've nicked this idea from one of my blog-mates on P27 - thanks, Ciggy.

Any suggestions for celebrities, personalities, historic figures who could be used for particular sales promotion campaigns? Well-suited or otherwise. Sales blurbs as well, please.

A couple to kick off:

George Bush promoting solar panels:
"They sure outshine nucular."

David Blaine flogging dockside apartments:
"You, too, can live in a box overlooking the Thames."

Margaret Beckett doing hair-care products:
"Do YOU wake up with your hair looking like this?"

David Beckham: For a nondenominational centre of worship. "We'll baptize your children, whatever their religion." Victoria Beckham: Promotion of stick-insects as pets.
Arseygurl on pop music bands, 'The Three Degrees got nothing on me'


Tony Blair for courses on tortured logic. "These piles are not our problem. We did not cause them. Our bottoms were sore long before we sat on the toilet. And," (pause for effect) "If you don't mind my saying so, they will continue to be sore long after we've flushed the chain." My webpage is at:
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