Our Future by cuzwejamin

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Our Future by cuzwejamin

Has anybody read this yet?


I love the way it begins with a sense of mystery with "It is only when we pass under the sporadic street lamps that they appear red and not gray. Okay your turn. and then continues with a to-and-fro style until the mystery is revealed near the end.

And lines like "We walk quietly for a few minutes then I smack you on your ass, which even approaching 30, is still a delicacy. have such understated emotion that it really brings the characters to life.

For a first submission I think its brilliant!

What does anybody else think?

Blimey. I don't think I've seen this device before: two characters telling the same story. Jamming, if you like... You're right about the characters being lifelike - that's always half the battle. This is a very confident opener, and I'm already looking forward to cuzwejamin's next submission. I shall look out for it. Good flag, timnig64.
Thanks for taking the time to read my story and thanks for the comments, ladies and gentlemen. I just found this site the other day, but I will add some new stuff when I get a chance. Part of what i was trying to do was to have the confusing chronology of the story (eg: from a hypothetical future they talk about a past that hasn't happened yet), mirror the idea that our sense of what is to come is not so different from what is happening or has happened. They affect how we think and they say something about who we are in the same way that our past actions do. In conclusion, barely black francis, I wanted it to be a bit confusing, but I'm not sure if you were confused in the right way.
Anonymous's picture
Hi Max - welcome. Quite a good story you've written, and in a way I've not seen. I first read it without the benefit of your explanation, and really enjoyed it, but I like it even more now - such an interesting opening. Looking forward to your next. foster.
Hi Foster, Good to sort of meet you and thanks for reading and all. I look forward to meeting you in person one day. Looking forward to your next. Max
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