please let me

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please let me

hey, i am ketan
please let me know what you think of poem 'to winter rain'

written in an indian context -where winter rain is some thimg very rare ,yet disturbing

Hi I'm not a poet so am always wary of offering criticism of poetry. However I read your pieces and you are obviously writing about things close to your heart. At the moment it seems to me you have not really found your own voice, and your imagery is therefore not as original as it might be. There is such wonderful poetry on this site, using arresting and evocative language. I would advise reading as much as you can, analysing why things work, or don't, and looking at the way these poets put their individual stamp on ideas and images. It's not about imitating others but about seeing how language is used and the effects which can be achieved. Keep writing, and keep putting your work out there. For what it's worth, I thought your second poem had a stronger tone. M
thanks for commenting .i am really glad you commented .i'am part time poet really -i write a lot of non-fiction in my mother tongue -bangla -am working on some english stuff which i hope to put up soon .i also intend to translate some of my stories . please read them - thank you again for commenting .
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Hi, I am not a poet, but I sometimes do it. I know its not very good, however I write it when I want to and for a reason/feeling. So I can only comment in relation to what I see myself doing when I try to write a poem. When reading this, what sprung to mind is that you are hiding behind your repetition. I have only read the one, I will read more at another time.
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