Infection by Mikepyro

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Infection by Mikepyro


If you're writing like this now, I will be first in line when your books start coming out.

The scene with the iron is still making me flinch.


I'm not easily fraaked out by blood and gore. When I skidded off my mountain bike and split my jaw open, I had no problem holding the torn flesh on my face and picking up a piece of my jawbone that chipped off. But this story actually scared me. That isn't easy to do. I agree Lisa, VERY well done.
A very intense read, I liked the way you started this piece with "action" consistently moving the story forward to conclusion, the frantic nature of the dialogue added to the suspense and kept me reading! Good job!!!
Well thanks alot everyone! I actually toned down the violence, aimed more for psychological at times ie. the smiling infected. But everyone loves the zombie/infected genre, even if we don't admit it :)

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

My goodness that was terrifying! I suddenly had to get up and lock the backdoor halfway through reading it. I don't think it's the cauterising bit that's scariest, I think it's the bit where the child opens the door. I also, strangely, liked the fact that the blood was orange- it was a nice touch.
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