Should we give aid to a country that kowtows to thugs?
Fri, 2007-11-30 10:08
Should we give aid to a country that kowtows to thugs?
Should we give aid to thugs?? As in Sudan.The govt is allowing Ms Gibbons to be imprisoned for at worst a faux pas for "political reasons".The Sudanese govt is kowtowing to thugs who claim they have a hotline from God to justify their thuggery.The same sorts of people that condemn Ms Gibbons are murdering Christian Sudanese in the south.I would have thought the hope would be that "aid" gives us some clout and effects some brake on nasty behaviour, but it doesn't seem to does it.As Kosovo may kick off again and it is much much more on our doorstep should we pick our fights and our aid more carefully?
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