Short Story festival seeks fiction of under 1,000 words

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Short Story festival seeks fiction of under 1,000 words

Fellow ABC writers,
It's not really in my interest to tell you but are looking for fiction of up to 1000 words to be read out during their short story festival on Saturday 5th April, details are on their website and deadline is 28th March.

Decongested is a great organization, they hold monthly readings at Foyles book shop with wine and nibbles - best stories submitted are read in the gallery and then published on their website. I've read twice, head full of guinness, the whiff of sex in the air and some old bat leafing nosily through oversized art history books. They have funding, they have a publishing operation called Apis books. I have no undeclared interest in the organization- like this site they are dedicated to promoting the short story

The short story festival (which is free) include champagne breakfast and presentations and readings from established short story outlets like AMBIT and Prospect magazine. For me it's absolutely essential to respond to deadlines, practice reading to strangers and see the result of good fiction. Good luck!

you had me at Fellow. when i start uni in september i'll come check this out for sure.


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