Submissions to magazines
Hello all,
Probably like many here, I've sent a few stories to a few magazines, and got a few rejections. But feel like I've just skimmed the surface. I've just started writing short stories seriously in the last few months, after spending three years on my novel (my writing before that was very rambling, unfocussed and usually unfinished, so I didn't do anything with it). To be honest, I've never really read magazines that print short stories, just collections in books, so am totally unfamiliar with the "market" etc. I had no idea there were so many out there, including small press. Selecting who to submit to seems very random.
I'm not asking anyone to do my homework for me, but if anyone with a better knowledge could recommend anywhere, maybe a mag they've had success with or where my stuff might fit in, I'd appreciate the heads up. If this is a stupid question, feel free to tell me to bugger off - I won't mind.
Aim for the stars then if you fail you might still land on the moon, and that's not a bad second best.