Favourite Lines Or Quotes.

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Favourite Lines Or Quotes.

I think the title of this piece explains it all, but if you're a twerp I'll lay it out for you. Are there lines or pieces of rhetoric that have swept you away emotionally or brainilly?
I have just re-discovered this by Hunter S Thomson, which after the recent hacking brou ha ha seems incredibly appropriate. It's his take on journalism.
'A cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.'
Sheer fucking genius!

Thompson found a strange genius in his insanity, and exploited it with precision.
The precision being a Colt 45 methinks!


Nah... The precision occurred long before that. He often complained of his "persona" but also created and perpetuated it with "gonzo" zeal. The 45 came into the picture when he could no longer escape it.
I collect quotes that are meaningful to me so I have hundreds that work in different themes for me. quotes about Love and sadness, quotes about being a warrior and being alone, quotes about being Irish and quotes of poetry that sinks in deep with me. I look thru my quotes often, using them on cards or emails, trying to evoke a mood with the writing of others that affects me in some way. 'for one human being to love another human being: that is perhaps the most difficult task that has been entrusted to us, the ultimate task, the work for which all other is merely preparation.'

Nicholas Schoonbeck

Good Lord ! I love that quote Cormacru. I just can't remember for the life of me who said it. and my favorite quote " Of course God had a sense of humor ! Look at your Father " -My Grannie *smirks*
So many quotes. So little time. Best cover blurb ever: 'Just the book to give your sister, if she's a loud, dirty, boozy girl.' - Dylan Thomas (about 'At Swim-Two-Birds' by Flann O'Brien) And three from Bukowski: 'You begin saving the world by saving one person at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics.' 'The nine-to-five is one of the greatest atrocities sprung upon mankind. You give your life away to a function that doesn't interest you. This situation so repelled me that I was driven to drink, starvation, and mad females, simply as an alternative.' 'Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.'

'Art is not a mirror to reflect reality, but a hammer with which to shape it.'

My least favourite quote has to do with bringing home the b*con. Best quote is: If a hamster can have a cat, why can't a pig have a pony?
new SundaysChild H! Very true and well described Hope all is well with you. Thanks julie xx
'They called me mad, and I called them mad, and damn them, they outvoted me.' Nathaniel Lee, who spent five years in Bethlehem Hospital.
...and of course, pretty much the entirety of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but in particular: 'Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.'
"We are all of us more or less unwilling to be brought into the world. And we are all of us right." - Wilkie Collins


A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen. ~Edward de Bono

Nicholas Schoonbeck

"If I should die think only this of me." You can go anywhere from that.


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