Short Jokes

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Short Jokes

"One day a blonde was having trouble with her computer, so she calls tech support.

"Hello how can I help you?" the tech support woman says.

"Yes, I am having trouble getting my computer to do anything," the blonde says.

"Do you have any windows open?"

"Are you crazy? it's freezing cold outside!""

Hahaha, I get it!!! Funny! But is that supposed to be offensive to blondes? I used to be a blonde. But now I have brown hair =) Merry Christmas, Savannah


A red headed woman goes to the doctor and says," I hurt all over, every part of my body hurts when I touch it." The doctor says "Show me". The red head pokes her leg with her finger and then screams in pain. She then pokes her arm and screams in pain, then her face and then her foot each time screamimg in pain. The doctor says " Your not a natural red head are you?" The woman replies" No Im blonde actually, I dye my hair from time to time, how did you know?" The doctor replies" Thought so, you've broken your finger!"


How many divorced men does it take to change a light bulb? Nobody knows because the woman always gets the house!
I saw the ghost of Gloria Gaynor at the foot of my bed; at first I was afraid........


What do you call a Russian napkin? A Soviette.


When my mother in law was born she was so ugly the midwife slapped her mother.


Percy Shaw invented the cat's eyes we see on the roads while driving in the dark and seeing a cat's eyes coming towards him. If the cat had been walking the other way I wonder if he would have invented the pencil sharpener?
When David Beckham was playing football for Manchester United he said to Alex Ferguson 'Listen Boss, if I don't play very well will you pull me off at half time'? Ferguson replied 'No I won't, you can have half an orange like everyone else!'


A man walks into a bar... Says ow.
Nice one shep. Reminds of the Englishman, Irishman, and Scotsman who walk into a bar. The barman says "What's this some kind of joke?"
Woman walks into a bar and asks for a double entendre. Barman says "See her over there, I've just given her one".


A man went into the doctors who told him he'd only got three minutes to live. "Can't you do anything for me doctor?" "Well I could boil you an egg!"
Chap looking for a pub and finds one advertising a 'pint a pie and a friendly word' Nobody inside but gets his pint and pie badly served up. Then he asks for the friendly word. "Don't eat the pie!"
What did the ghost say to the bee before the bee got scared? Boo-Bee! Savannah


"I read Great Expectations recently." "How was it?" "Not what I'd hoped for."
Ok, so... This is a blonde joke... 3 girls walk into a barn, trying to hide from the police. One girl is a brunette, another is a red head, and the last is a blonde. Sooo.... The three girls hide behind three different objects. Then the police come in to look for them. The brunette hides behind a cow, and when the police shines a flashlight on the cow, she says "moooo" so the police turn away, thinking that it's just a cow. The red head hides behind a pig, so when the police shines the flashlight on her, she says "oink oink". Thinking that it's just a pig, the police turn their flashlight away. Finally, the blonde hides behind a stack of potatoes, so when the police shine the flashlight on her, what does she say?? Po-TA-to... Then she ends up getting caught. It took me a while to get the last part of the joke, but then I ended up laughing, because it was funny =). Just say "Po-TA-to..." outloud and you'll get it!!! Savannah


Wife rings husband, "Sorry Dear the car's broken down." "Do you know what's wrong?" asks husband. "Yes it's got water in the carburettor!" "How do you know that, you know nothing about engines." "It's in the river!"
Man walks into a pub with his dog and asks for a pint, the dog sits and starts to lick his backside. A drunk at the bar says "I wish I could do that" to which the dogs owner replies "Give him a biscuit and he will let you".
Millwall supporter takes his jack russell to the game. When the opposing side score the jack russell jumps in the air and does a backflip. Man behind him say,s "Thats fantastic, what does he do when Millwall score" The dog owner says " Don't know only had him four years!"


Bill and his wife Blanche go to the county fair every year, And every year Bill would say, " Blanche, I'd like to ride in that helicopter ". Blanche always replied, " I know Bill, but that helicopter ride is twenty quid, And twenty quid is twenty quid! ". One year Bill and Blanche went to the fair, and Bill said, " Blanche, I'm 75 years old. If I don't ride that helicopter, I might never get another chance ". To this, Blanche replied, " Bill that helicopter ride is twenty quid, and twenty quid is twenty quid ". The pilot overheard the couple and said, " Folks I'll make you a deal. I'll take the both of you for a ride. If you can stay quiet for the entire ride and don't say a word I won't charge you a penny But if you say one word it's twenty quid". Bill and Blanche agreed and up they went. The pilot did all kinds of fancy maneuvers, but not a word was heard. He did his daredevil tricks over and over again, But still not a word... When they landed, the pilot turned to Bill and said, " By golly, I did everything I could to get you to yell out, but you didn't I'm impressed". Bill replied, " Well, to tell you the truth I almost said something when Blanche fell out, But you know, Twenty quid is twenty quid".
when I saw this thread I realised I hadn't heard a good joke for ages. Then I read all the jokes and realised I still hadn't heard a good joke for ages.
Hey Highhat are you telling me you didn't laugh at any ? Not even the one about the cats eyes and the pencil Sharpener, really not one ?
especially that one I found extremely exasperating Clive. No can't say much about them without lying.
A flat-chested young lady went to Dr. Smith about enlarging her breasts. Dr Smith advised her, 'Every day after your shower, rub your chest and say,'Scooby doobie doobies, I want bigger boobies!' She did this faithfully for several months! To her utter amazement she grew terrific D-cup boobs! One morning she was running late, got on the bus, and in a panic realized she had forgotten her morning ritual. Frightened she might lose her lovely boobs if she didn't recite the little rhyme, she stood right there in the middle aisle of the bus closed her eyes and said, 'Scooby doobie doobies, I want bigger boobies.' A guy sitting nearby looked at her and asked 'Oh! Are you a patient of Dr. Smith's?' 'Yes I am.. How did you know?' He, winked and whispered, ' Hickory dickory dock...'
A male patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. A young student nurse appears to give him a partial sponge bath. 'Nurse', he mumbles, from behind the mask. 'Are my testicles black? Embarrassed, the young nurse replies, 'I don't know, Sir, I'm only here to wash your upper body and feet.' He struggles to ask again, 'Nurse, please check. Are my testicles black?' Concerned that he may elevate his blood pressure and heart rate from worry about his testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment and pulls back the covers. She raises his gown, holds his manhood in one hand and his testicles in the other. Then, she takes a close look and says, 'There's nothing wrong with them, Sir!' The man pulls off his oxygen mask, smiles at her and says very slowly, 'Thank you very much. That was wonderful, but listen very, very closely..... A r e - m y - t e s t - r e s u l t s - b a c k'?
A Long Short Joke? Whether Conservative, Liberal or Labour , I think you'll get a kick out of this! A little boy goes to his dad and asks, 'What are Politics?' Dad says, 'Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I am the head of the family, so call me The Prime Minister. Your mother is the administrator of the money, so we call her the Government. We are here to take care of your needs, so we will call you the People. The nanny, we will consider her the Working Class. And your baby brother, we will call him the Future. Now think about that and see if it makes sense.' So the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what Dad has said. Later that night,! he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him. He finds that the baby has severely soiled his nappy. So the little boy goes to his parent's room and finds his mother asleep. Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny's room. Finding the door locked, he peeks in the keyhole and see's his father in bed with the nanny. He gives up and goes back to bed. The next morning, the little boy say's to his father, 'Dad, I think I understand the concept of politics now. ' The father says, 'Good, son, tell me in your own words what you think politics are all about.' The little boy replies, 'The prime Minister is screwing the Working Class while the Government is sound asleep. The People are being ignored and the Future is in deep shit.'
Thanks Clive nice one. It's been put onto my stock of good jokes.
Your welcome Geoffrey
Advert in paper: Bargain parachute for sale. Never opened, only used once, small stain!
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