ABC mugs

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ABC mugs

Dear Eds.

Some time back I once read of ABC mugs for sale.

Are they still available to buy?

And may I wish one and all the very best for Christmas, and, hugs and kisses to the New Year ABC Eds team taking over in 2017.



Big hugs and kisses back to you torscot and I hope you have a lovely Christmas! The mugs are somewhere in Tony's attic, or garage or something and I keep asking him to bring them down whenever he comes to London so we can use them as prizes, but no luck yet. Watch this space!


I was going to make a joke. Maybe not.

Stephen d

Hi Steve,

well I would buy a mug that had Tony's mugshot. Or the mugshots of the present editorial team. Mug selling for a reasonable price eg £5.00 and then inviting buyers to make a donation to Abc if they wished could be a good fundraiser.