How to write a sonnet.

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How to write a sonnet.

as whispered windows all aglow,
the crescent moon now falls with snow,
the sound of tiny reindeer paws
that pull a sleigh with santa claus,
one sack in red pushed in between,
a night of snow when all does gleam,
his suit of red and beard so white
yet feet so small that make him slight,
a pair of specs rest on his nose
like one small drop of rain that glows,
the day draws nigh as tiny tots,
curled in their beds or wooden cots,
will spring to life to rush downstairs
but first, `tis time for christmas prayers!

© t.imaan tretchicovmanicova

he lies upon the forest floor
the prelude to a new decor
like water in an empty vase
no shape to fill, no place for grace.
the rose so often will be writ
unlike its thorn in shadowed skit
remove the thorn the rose will die
the rose in opposite would cry.
soft tears now touch and pool to limb
a thorn and rose unite in hymn,
his eyes do close as angels speed
the hour is now which all agreed
sweet soul unbound in flight return
whilst words in whisper wholly yearn.

© t. imaan tretchicovmanicova is external)

I haven't written a sonnet for quite sometime; I wrote one recently & I would like to share it with you.

and like a phoenix she will rise
during dreams she does hypnotise,
when he stirs from a night of themes
shadows inprinted on their screams,
a lantern moon is hooked and soon
moonlight inflames a simple rune,
as its feathers soar through the air
his head is bowed in silent prayer,
what is beauty you do ask, soul
to soul, souls transpose the bowl,
inflight lovers take to flight, bound
with chains ten thousand cries resound
whilst to the music they will burn
until the end through ash to urn.

"sonnet 67"
© t. imaan tretchicovmanicova 