I give up

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I give up

Ok - I give up!

Just a parting note - seeing as how you writers seem to think the word so amusing, here's the definition;

twat (twòt) noun
1. The vulva.
2. Used as a disparaging term for a woman.
[Origin unknown.]

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition is licensed from Houghton Mifflin Company. Copyright © 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Selected Illustrations from the Concise Columbia Encyclopedia. Copyright © 1991 by Columbia University Press.

and 'pretentious'?

pretentious (prî-tèn´shes) adjective
1. Claiming or demanding a position of distinction or merit, especially when unjustified.
2. Making or marked by an extravagant outward show; ostentatious. See Synonyms at showy.
- preten´tiously adverb
- preten´tiousness noun

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition is licensed from Houghton Mifflin Company. Copyright © 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Selected Illustrations from the Concise Columbia Encyclopedia. Copyright © 1991 by Columbia University Press.


By the way - you don't have to be a female to deserve the title of TWAT - there's always TWIT - as in Silly twits - that about covers it.

Anonymous's picture
You could really get into some people I know about that word!
oranj is not th...
Anonymous's picture
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Yeah! Fire up another doobie, Carly, you'll be alright.
stormy petrel
Anonymous's picture
Huh? What's with the plural "writers"? I know full well what both words mean which is why I suggested it was out of order for Mississippi to have used the phrase. The person who started the thread under that pseudonym was the recipient of Mississippi's remark and presumeably did it to show that there are no hard feelings. Or something like that? That thread is very interesting and a serious discussion by the way. No twits in there yet. (I'm on my way!) 'twit' is nowadays used completely out of context to its original meaning. There was an act of twitting and one could twit somebody or be twitted. I much prefer 'prat' which means buttocks as in 'pratfall'. People often think this word is much worse than it really is. *cringes waiting for someone with greater knowledge of word definitions to correct him*
Anonymous's picture
What on earth is this Carly woman on about?
Anonymous's picture
thanks, Stormy, that's exactly why :0)
stormy petrel
Anonymous's picture
YW :--) (I have a long thin nose) (with a bend) (can't 'draw' that though)
Anonymous's picture
She did give up then. It was not a hollow threat.
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
I checked out the word "Twit". It was originally, and still is, a verb, meaning "taunt". It's a shortened version of the now defunct "atwite". This went back to Old English "aetwitan," a compound verb formed from the prefix "aet," (denoting opposition) and "witan" (reproach). It's not altogether clear whether the noun "twit" (fool) is the same word. There is apparently an isolated example of what could be "twit" (fool) recorded from the early 18th century, but it didn't really begin to proliferate as a mild term of abuse until the 1950's. Semantically, the connection is plausible - a fool could be a "person who is taunted" (presumably for being foolish) - but an alternate theory is that it is indeed an alteration of "twat". This originally meant "cunt" (which on this messageboard will no doubt read as *^%*), and is not recorded as a term of abuse until the 1920's. It is not known where it came from. This was, incidentally, the object of one of the most ludicrous misapprehensions in English literature. There is a passage in Vanity of Vanities 1660 that reads: "They talked of his having a cardinal's hat, They'd send him as soon as an old nun's twat."
Anonymous's picture
Oh dear Karl Looks like the abc'ers need to update their *^%$ programme :o)
Anonymous's picture
cripes. what a jape.
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
You're right, Liana, I didn't expect that to happen. My aplogies for any offence caused to anyone. Of course, the word %^$& comes from %^$& Lane on London's South Bank where all the prostitutes used to hang out (metaphorically speaking). They've changed the name now.
stormy petrel
Anonymous's picture
Thanks Karl. The origin of words and the way in which they are so mis-used, or perhaps altered as our language continues to evolve, is a fascinating subject. I recently overheard someone ask why the term 'raspberry' is used for the noise made when blowing your tongue between your lips (no rude jokes please) and I had great pleasure in telling them that it is cockney slang for raspberry tart. ie 'fart'. I learnt this from Bill Bryson in his book 'Mother Tongue'. If anyone is interested in this subject, Bryson's book is packed with factual information without being heavy going and is, occasionly, exceedingly funny.
J.T. Fortesque-...
Anonymous's picture
Sir, I am disgusted at the column inches devoted to purile discussion of the female genitalia in this forum. What do you think this is? Health and Efficiency Monthly? My wife had the misfortune to read the above post and is now lying, heavily sedated, upon the fourposter with our young fellowmelad doctor in attendance. This filth must stop immediately before your Johnniecumlately types stroll in and take over. I demand equal say for the men! Members! Stand up for your rights. We demand more column inches! Yours in disgust, John Thomas Fortesque-LabiaSmythe. ( Maj.Gen. rtd) Tunbridge Wells
Anonymous's picture
Coo, a moderator...
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Andrea, now the question is quos ipset custodiet ? Or loosely, who moderates the moderator... ? Note to pedants, I never studied Latin and am aware that this is probably wrong and actually means who monks for monkeys, but it is roughly right.
Anonymous's picture
Dearest Andrew, if it's roughly right, it can't have anything to do with either monks or monkeys, can it (although it is, perhaps, an interesting combination)? As for 'who moderates the moderator' well, one could go on ad infinitum, couldn't one? (I didn't study Latin, either)
J.T. Fortesque-...
Anonymous's picture
Madam Andrea, The last person to allude to my moderation ended up in the brig! Bring back the birch I say. Flagellation never did me any harm. Furthermore I do not coo! And I resemble your incineration. As my old fag used to say ... "Ad hoc!" or something like that. Yours in custard, J.T.F-Ls *twitching*
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