Oneword radio etc

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Oneword radio etc

Does anyone listen to this station?
I have tried to tune in while I'm on this site, or reading my mail or looking at other sites but I find it gets in the way if I'm trying to write. Otherwise from the bits I have heard - yes OK - and another good reason for getting digital radio. Which I must get.

What do other people listen to if anything when they are writing?
(Please forgive me if this has been discussed on earlier threads - if it has - i missed it)
I can't write with spoken words in my ear - when I was wrting Novel One I mainly listened to Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto 3 but I also listen to Van Morrison - nothing much later than Poetic Champions Compose usually and Jackson Browne - all and everything.
Anyone else out there - got special writing music?
(And no - I don't listen to Gabrielle - altho' I do like 'When a Woman'.)

Anonymous's picture
Korn is good for writing nasty sci fi stories...
Paul Blezard-Gymer
Anonymous's picture
Merely in the interests of accuracy...wouldn't that be Westlered?
Anonymous's picture
Poetic license of course.
paul kent
Anonymous's picture
Dear Gabrielle, Thanks for listening to Oneword. If you've got any comments, thoughts - whatever, do e-mail me at the above address. Best wishes, Paul Kent
paul kent
Anonymous's picture
And that goes for anyone else too! What I didn't realize when I sent the previous message is that only the server details show up. So the full address is . . . I'm the Programme Director, by the way. I'll get the hang of these chatrooms one day.
Anonymous's picture
i can't get oneword because my speakers are defunct ... i would certainly like to get it ... i cannot write with the spoken word in my ear either G ... i like a bit of silence ...
Anonymous's picture
I have a couple of mp3 compilations that I usually play whilst lm writing, they have about a hundred tracks each, and include stuff as varied as Massive Attack, Jeff Buckley and Rachmaninov. Sometimes, l find a certain style of music helps, when writing something, for instance, one of my poems was westled to death, with me listening to Morcheebas Big Calm album on constant loop.....
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Westled to death...... similar to wrestled to death, except it involves being beaten with long thin floppy seaside hotdog sausages.......
Anonymous's picture
mmmmmmmmm .... like the sound of that!
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Rolling Stones are ace for writing to. I agree with you, Liana, about different styles of music helping. I listened to the City of Angels soundtrack solidly whilst writing about a friend who'd died and it really helped things flow.
Anonymous's picture
I used to have a boyfriend who threatened to beat me across the eye balls with bacon rind. I have a feeling that was something like being westled with floppy sausages. Now if anyone knows about violence with eggs?
Anonymous's picture
OOooooh yes Emily..especially Angie.... Wunnerful.
ivy's solicitor
Anonymous's picture
reading the small print of Ms Liana's submission of 06-11-01 at 22:50 hours, the word 'floppy' was used to describe the 'seaside hotdog sausages', therefore excited response inappropriate. usual fee.
Anonymous's picture
Hmmm. *mental diary- take large bratwurst on 14th*
Anonymous's picture
I listen to OneWord radio a lot (via internet) but as an accompaniment to working I click on Jazz Summit or Quiet Classics - both just gentle music without vocal interruptions (the playlist appears on screen). If you have RealPlayer click on Radio Tuner in the bottom left corner and you have access to 2500 radio stations worldwide!
Taj Hayer
Anonymous's picture
I remember there was some research done into the effects of music on children's school work. All music was seen to help stimulate the brain, but classical music was seen to be the best. I prefer to listen to music that doesn't have any singing when I'm writing - I get distracted by the words. It's also easy for me to get distracted from my work if I really, really like the music - though usually I'm pretty inspired once it's finished.
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