Buh Bye
Mon, 2001-08-27 13:35
Buh Bye
Hey all,
I have had a fantastic time on this site and I shall continue to read all of your wonderful work.
But I must depart for a couple of months. Whoops of joy I hear or maybe not. Life has become so hectic recently. New girlie taking up loads of my time and I shall be unemployed
( don't ask) in a month. So I have to job hunt and stuff and get settled, so ciao peeps .... but I will be back.
You can bet your mortgage on that.
See you guys when I come back
Spag Man
stimulating and entertaining?
so why are you here tosser?
for the repartee?
dear lest we forghetti,
I nip out to the shops and nobody misses me. Why?
I didn't appeal LOUD enough. I didn't start a thread about it.
I didn't clog the forums with insipid drivel. i did not appeal to the insipids!
They know who they are. We know who they are. They are not writers - they are knitters (no offence, Fecky).
They should be doing crosswords (and failing, no doubt)
Liberate the forums for the literate!
Fancy a cup of Repar Tea?
aol retard.....nothing to do at 3.11am ?... I guess you have to fill your life with something...get a life!!
Sorry to butt in here retard, but you are wrong, you DO clog the forums with insipid drivel.
You've been a good friend, Si. Keep in touch.
You'd better be back, young man!! Maybe see you in Dundee sometime soon!! :-)
Don't leave it too long spag man...enjoy having you around.....
Blimey, Spag, you off again?
What a merry life you lead to be sure.
Lots of luck on Girlie (with capital 'G" you notice), job hunt, mortgage and life in general...
U2, anyone?
Good luck, Spaggy!!
Just to add a relatively sober note - all the best, Spag. Come back just as acidic, right? See you.
So long...........farewell.........
Hang on ..... didn't I sing this not so long ago? Perhaps it's a reprise? or do I mean reprieve? Gosh I'm confused. Too much scenery has addled my brain perhaps hmm?
A pity Augustus failed to say goodbye. After his early recommendations I thought that would be the least he could do. But wait! I just remembered. He left quickly didn't he? ....after that affidavit nonsense. Came back via JFK as I remember or something like that.
Gasp! How time flies.
See you soon. Slat water treas in my eys.
~goes in search of pin and packet of three minute Buitoni~
Look upon me as the neutraliser.
Best of luck in all your pursuits. Look forward to hearing from you again.
Have fun, dear spag man, and most important of all - keep writing!
Here at ABC Towers we will await your return with bated breath (on the other hand we could use mouthwash and save everyone an unpleasant experience.)
Pip pip and Happy trails!
The Chief Exec.
Spag, your the man!!
I have not left you guys yet. I'll still be around, so if you want to chat send me an email or message me on MSN.
I wrote this thread to just let all of you know why I haven't been on the threads or writing on the site.
I actually expected a lot of flak but you have all been so nice in your messages... thanks
In response :
Barry- you are a good friend so continue to email me.
Sarah - Young man? I a bit old for that sentiment me thinks. Anyway, Sarah I will be online every now and then.. so chat. I love our chats.
Martin - Glad someone enjoyed having me :-) Thanks for the kudos.
Andrea - I am always off. I should really read the sell by date better. Thanks Andrea for the encouragement. I'll always do my best.. no pressure.
Jennifer - Thanks for your words. You really helped me some months ago with your constructive criticism.
Lisa - You'll be hearing from me very soon. Doubt that it will be as long two months but you never know.
Tony - The head honcho. I'll keep writing and when I am back I will load you with tonnes of my work/s.
MYB - Hey Mark, the man behind my cherries. Give me more ... LOL . I happen to be a man but not sure about THE man. That is for someone more deserving.... oh hell, for the purposes of this... I am the man :p
Now guys... as I said before I'll be around and i'll be very upset if I lose contact with any of you whilst I am on haitus.. so stay in contact
Ciao for now
Glad to see that your love life is still so glorious and that you are still upbeat, despite some obvious setbacks.
Best of British, and all that guff.
The Spag is waxing quite eloquent, is he not?
What... No more Spaghetti? Sigh.
that a sigh of relief, stephen?
"Oooh, I do like a nice spag bol of an evening...," sighed Edith
And you post a new thread?
What a tart!
I do hope you weren't referring to me, Months?
This has gotten out of hand. This thread was just to tell the ones of you that care and not that pathetic aol guy that always hides behind equally pathetic pseudonyms that I was leaving.
So I sign myself off now
Take care and I'll be seeing you all soon
So don't bother to repsond as I am gone unless you want to take the piss out of me . Then I am fine with that.
Quite possibly the last time you hear from me.. you lucky peeps, you.
I bet Si just can't actually go away and will read this
Spaghetti Si - is that not a pseudonym?
I'll have you know my pseudonyms are superb. You are simply incapable of literary appreciation.
Is 'signing yourself off' a euphemism for your onanism?
I suggest you ask a friend to look those terms up in the OED.
Now you're gone there is a vacancy for a LCD. That's a mathematical term, Pseudospaghetti, see?
i'll have you know that i am not that pathetic aol guy that always hides behind equally pathetic pseudonyms!
i am an entirely different pathetic aol guy that always hides behind equally pathetic pseudonyms!
it's quite a flattering mistake tho
i'll have you know that i am not that aol guy also as well.
It is also quite flattening. Quite fattening. In Spanish, Si is yes, no? In En Glish Si is Please Go. Go Away Quick, Come Back Slow.
I'm nipping into town for an hour to Sign On, so I won't be posting anything for sixty minutes or more.
Will you all miss me? Please leave missy missy messagaes for me. I'm so cute and cuddly.
i used the Latin spelling.
isn't that SO cute?
WoW!! This is a different level of crappiness, alarming but not suprising!
Don't bite SI!
the only people interested in the dreary aspects of one's personal life are one's nearest. the forum is a public place. it works because people post messages that they hope will be stimulating or entertaining. this thread was started in the knowledge that it could only bore the pants off the majority of the hundreds of people that might read it. that's the new level of crappiness.