The Look

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The Look

Has anybody else noticed what nobheads builders are? Not just builders but roofers, plumbers, electricians and lorry drivers – tradesmen in general.

It’s not that they ARE nobheads, it’s that they LOOK like nobheads. (And before anyone accuses me of being builderphobic, I should state that I carried a hod for several years in my younger days and probably looked like a complete and utter dickhead myself – well, I’m sure I did).

No, it’s the look they have in their eyes. As they enter a pub or cross the road to their truck from the café, they resemble cowboys getting ready for a battle at sunset. Not with the hat and spurs, you understand, but just the look in their eyes.

As they squint up and down the road, you’d be forgiven for thinking that they can see something in that street that somehow escapes the rest of us. But what is it? It’s only a fucking street!

I’ve seen that look before. When I was diving out in Portugal, the old boy who used to handle the boat for us was called Solgado, which means Salty interestingly enough. He was a tough old sod who had been a fisherman all his life. My buddy and I were once in the water and needed to tie a rope to a buoy. We asked Solgado to do it. He looked at us in utter contempt and, without ever taking his eyes off my buddy’s face, tied the knot and handed it back, shaking his head in disgust all the time.

My pal said to me, “That will never come undone,” and I had to agree.

We had a lot of time for Solgado. And I’ve seen the look on his face as he squinted out to sea waiting for the right wave. We could see little difference but he would steer the RIB back and worth, back and forth, and never take his eyes off the ocean. Suddenly he’d accelerate at an angle to the waves, racing the one he’d chosen. A swift turn and the nose would go right up in the air, hang still for a second and crash down on the other side of the wave, while Solgado finished rolling a cigarette with his spare hand.

It would scare tourist divers a little, but we were used to it and knew there were hardly a dozen people in the Algarve who could have taken us over that wave.

So I figure Solgado had a right to have that look in his eyes. But I also figure that builders look complete and utter twats when they put that look on their face just to walk into a pub or out of café. What the @!#$ is going on in their heads? Is it some sort of false bravado? Surely not. You don’t exactly need bravado to walk across the road or into a café, do you?

Any ideas?

Anonymous's picture
...and something us women can well do without...
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
Eric why did I put an apostrophe in Builders Bum, is there one, does it go after the `s` oh my gosh I have my first placement in a school on Wednesday, those poor kids!
bob the knob
Anonymous's picture
coz the bum belongs to the builder mark. if it was plural bums belonging to plural builders then it would go after. builders' bums. but what do I know? I'm just a stereotype with a look.
Anonymous's picture
Does that mean I put my bum's 's' in the wrong place then, Knob? Er...what's a 'builder mark'?
Anonymous's picture
Ah builders.....a long time ago I worked for a smart interior design company that employed aussie builders. A completely different breed: hardworking, sexy, fit and funny. I had a little dalliance with one (that's another story and no, Karl I will NOT go into details) and they were all such a warm bunch who were actually very gentlemanly when I was around. They never employed 'the look' because they didn't need to, their trousers fitted properly and there was never any unsightly cleavage spilling forth from filthy Levis. They might have been a separate breed because most were travelling and had other jobs at home. They certainly brightened up the days.......... British builders? Pah! Aussies are the business.
Anonymous's picture
Other jobs at home, eh? Like wives/partners, perhaps? Oooh, I'm such a cynic. I, too had a brief dalliance with an Irish builder. Dread to think what HE got up to on site... (have to say his nether regions were tastefully confined, though - at least they were when he left home)
they call him t...
Anonymous's picture
i've got to agree with you karl. there must be a psychological reason that joiners have to wear a game face to enter a roadside cafe. i think that in the main, nobs can't find any other jobs that would accept their higher levels of bravado. employers on building sites are keen on men who wouldnt mind hefting an extra large hod whenever anyone was looking. think it's dangerous to cast in all builder type occupations in the same lot, my dad was an electrician and he is a gentleman with only the slightest hint of bravado which i think gets bred into you with certain jobs, or an interest in diy. grandfather on my mothers side was a sapper in the army, was crippled by falling masonry. a mate of my brothers when he was a slater broke his neck slipping on loose slates. maybe when a builder strides his way in a road side cafe, he's looking for load bearing walls? :O)
Anonymous's picture
Mark Re the apostrophe, I think you were right: housemaid's knee, builder's bum, fiddler's elbow... surely? Well done! On the other main topic, do other men despise those scaffolding-protected wolf-whistling cowards? I have to admit I'm a feminist at heart and that kind of thing gives me the heebie-jeebies! (Spelling?) Machismo boils down to cowardice - the inability to to anything but conform to what your moronic mates deem acceptable behaviour. I loathe the behaviour of single-sex groups in general. Stag and hen parties are frightful. For many reasons I am delighted not to be a member of the Taliban! Comments please.
Anonymous's picture
Not strictly relevant, this, but.. elsewhere on the threads, I've seen the "Viz" website mentioned. For those unfortunates who don't yet possess the Sid the Sexist book (funniest publication since the Monty Python books?), check out the "Yellow Pages" section on the website for the most hilarious fake builders' adverts ever. When you've done that, read the rest - if you dare..
Christopher Wren
Anonymous's picture
I've got an idea Karl. Why don't you stop bragging about what you've done and where you've been. You're full of crap stuff about anything and everything you talk about. Is there anything you HAVEN'T done? I suspect you're still the dickhead you said you looked when you were a hod carrier.
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
Mr Wren, how brave to hide under a pseudonym, it totally negates anything you had to say, which was as untrue as it was unintelligent. Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
Seconded, MYB.
odd nob job
Anonymous's picture
methinks someone's a builder :)
Anonymous's picture
I will have to agree with Karl's primary statements.. I am sick and tired of these people coming into my home, looking down their filthy noses at me when I am paying them to sort out my plumbing or paintwork etc.... And another thing, its not just builders, the bloody gardner is at it now!!! Just the other day he came complaining that I left a piece of dog shite on the grass he was mowing...I wouldn't have minded, but he sits atop this great big feckin' mower...Lazy twat! AND, I pay £30 a pop for his bloody services......(we have a long lawn, its not Me being lazy promise!) I wanted my carpets cleaned on monday and the valeter or whatever he calls himself was frowning and groaning because he had to remove some candle wax from the carpet...Jesus! Who do these people think they are? I tell you I wouldn't mind earning £30 for less than an hours work! what was the topic again?
Anonymous's picture life in the fast lane, I think...
Ofar Quarson
Anonymous's picture
My Dear Sirs/Madams, What a curious reaction you all seem to have towards builders. I myself,have on many occasions, caused damage to my own property on purpose just to get a scruffy builder round just so that I could marvel at that wondrous fashion statement 'The builders Bum'.As you have probably noticed on the catwalks today this has really taken off with the likes of Britney,Kylie and even Madonna following suit and showing their own pen holders. I have also heard that Madonna has traded her Mercedes for a white transit van,you are all so out of touch,get with it !
Anonymous's picture
'Get with it' - cool, groovy, up-to-date, on the ball, as in 'Come on, Ofar, get with it, man' Sorry, wrong thread - again...
Anonymous's picture
Hey Girl....just make up the threads as you go along.... "Its a mighty fine rug were making...."(what?) I think I need a cup of tea....
Tea Ern
Anonymous's picture
I'll make the tea as soon as I've washed my hands, next time you can wipe your own arse. What exactly do all you posers do for a living.
bob the nob again
Anonymous's picture
some of you would like to look down your noses at builders. kinda hurts when the underclass look back dunnit? crack anyone?
Anonymous's picture
Yeah well!!! I'm under class an' all but I still reserve the right to look down my pointed nose at everyone.....heheh... In response to Tea Ern....I am a care assistant and its about bloody time someone else made the tea! Im fed up with doing it!
Loadsa money Re...
Anonymous's picture
I got loadsa money you tight wads! And wot I always say is "if it aint broke then I'll break it, and then you can pay me to fix it".
Anonymous's picture
Dear Karl, I think every female worth her salt has noticed what nobheads builders are! This is something, Karl, that being of the male persuasion, you probably cannot fully understand (although you're getting close, it seems. I'm impressed). I bet the Fish, Liana, Wolfie et al have some merry tales to tell... Your Solgado sounds like a positive saint by comparison. And why do most of 'em have their bums hanging out of their ill-fitting levis when they leer and whistle? For some unfathomable reason, they seem to think we're impressed. Dream on, boys.
Mark Yelland-Brown
Anonymous's picture
But without builders we wouldn't have had `Builder's Bum`something that is so traditional so vital to our folklore!
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