Mon, 2001-10-08 12:09
George Bush is a fuse
struck by two towers collapse
Bin sees his plan worked
So was Basho's
I thought
(er...am I getting the hang of this?)
The Basho scholar Makoto Ueda predicts the future development of haiku and senryu: "As more and more western poets write haiku or haiku-like poems in their languages, Basho's influence on them through the haiku form will become diluted, often to the extent that it will disappear from the poetry. That is what is expected; in fact, that is precisely what Basho wished for. He always encouraged his students to cultivate their individual talents rather than to follow him with blind faith.
Well, I knew it was coming. In fact, I predicted it quite a long time ago when I said that Chief Bosho , Esq. would create a kind of psychic pain at the very root of the modern mind. And now that he has, we must truly give peace a chance. Let me begin by citing a range of examples from the public sphere. For starters, if I didn't sincerely believe that this is one letter that Bosho doesn't want you to read, then I wouldn't be writing this letter. Considering that his views are antiquated, misguided, and ugly, I offer that I wonder what would happen if he really did give simple-minded brigands far more credibility than they deserve. There's a spooky thought. This letter has gone on far too long, in my opinion, and probably yours as well. So let me end it by saying merely that Chief Bosho , Esq. is laughing up his sleeve at us.
aha so the madcap winters of the soul are of divine origin then?
And all these years I've wondered... persevered, believed... and now the great divide has been breached and well, what can I say other than, wickedly far out bliss rumours of troubled souls lamenting for their minds.
No it can't be that Busho himself hath spoken from the grave. Can it be? oh ye heavenly aristocrats otherwise known as Gods, can it be?
A far out Zen communication.
And oh the freedom of finding my nonsensical self once again and the parties we shall have and the mad hats we shall wear.. oh how glorious to be a part of the human society again... the great wondrous calamity of love/hate madness on a neon docking sign... ah that is enuf spontaneous nonsense.. esoterical transcendental madness... let us open our bottlebanks once again to recieve the golden dew of heaven.
I think I've lost it man...
You been smokin' that funny stuff again, Funky?
What a load of TOSH!
Summer grasses,
All that remains
Of soldiers’ dreams
forgive me Basho
my haiku was political
forgot about nature