So farewell, then,
Mon, 2001-11-05 01:00
So farewell, then,
The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that the address of the Forums has changed slightly, and that the reverse-lookups on your postings have been restored.
That is all...
reverse look ups?
*thought I was a techy*
hello ... hello ...
hmmmm. btinternet is how I am connected. it is not my email, though.
At last! Back to normal, thank goodness.
Justyn, it does show the server you're using, used to do so in the past, at least till we all changed to Woc the Planet dwellers.
How refreshing, indeed, to see how enthusiastic we all were last night! Clicked on this morn and lo! New postings on every single thread in every single forum!
*flexes fingers and prepares for busy day*
*ushers andrea toward sixties thread*
And what do I see?
Good! Some numbers. I feel better and a lot more like an individual.
Yes yes, Robert, I'm working on it man...
Don't be so uptight etc