i want to get in to print
Mon, 2002-03-18 15:43
i want to get in to print
i really want to get a poetry/photography book published but i dont know how to go about it...
can any one help give me some advise??
alison brown wrote:
> i really want to get a poetry/photography book published but i
> dont know how to go about it...
> can any one help give me some advise??
Well, three options really (drastically over-simplifying things here)...
1. Get a copy of the Writer's and Artist's Yearbook, suss out which publishers are doing stuff like what your book will be, and send them a book proposal (short letter explaining the gist of your book, plus some sample pics/poems).
2. Self-publish -- if you have access to desktop publishing equipment you could lay out the book y'self, then find a small press printer who can print it for you.
3. Vanity publishing -- this is when you pay someone to do all the work for you, then they charge you an exhorbitant amout and tell you how absolutely fabulous your book is.
4. See 1. -- get WAYB and approach agents. Send them a book proposal and samples and maybe they'll represent you and try and flog your book to publishers.
5. Publish on the web.
Write something that's very good
As Bobblehat 2000 keeps saying - don't ignore the small poetry magazines - these print poetry by unknowns. They have low circulation, not helped by the fact that poets don't buy them.
There's a lot of effort and thick skin needed in getting published and I think David's advice is worthwhile - better to spend six months making sure you are really happy with your work and that it is as good as you can get it before you send it off. Bitter and harsh truth - publishers and agents are not looking for something with potential - they want the finished article, not diamonds among coal.
I hear Laura Ashley has some nice fabrics this season.
This is from my friend, Sacha:
Call for submissions...
I am trying to put together an anthology of creative writing to raise money for charity. The charity is One to One Children's Fund for children infected with/affected by AIDS/HIV in South Africa.
If you are a poet/writer and are interested in submitting your work, please see the brief below. Unfortunately, I cannot offer payment for publication of your work, as I will be relying on the good will of people to help me bring the anthology into being and, well, it is for charity!!!
I may be able to supply a printed copy and I may be able to publish it online, but then again*I may not! (That very much depends on resources and time!) I can't guarantee that your work will be published, but I can guarantee you will get a response either way!
For poetry, please send no more than 2 poems of less than 35 lines each.
For prose/short stories, please send no more than 2000 words - only one item please.
All genres welcome, providing it's in good taste!
When submitting work, please send it in the body of an e-mail -no attachments please! - and send a brief biography - the more concise the better!
Please send all submissions to poetchick007@blueyonder.co.uk by the 15th April