Mon, 2002-09-09 18:06
Hi guys,
I am doing a project on the viability of e-book publishing as part of my creative writing course. What i have found so far is that without a doubt it is very much worthwhile using this form of media if it is an information based product, ect...
But what about for fiction writers of all genres and poets.
Do you think this means could be in any way worth while and viable.
Has anyone used this means to publish their work and if so could you tell me a bit about what happened and what you thought of the process.
Yes I recently had a novel published as an e-book and it is hopefully coming out as a conventional book before Christmas. I like most writers eyed this process of publishing with suspicion and derision but having had the book on sale for a couple of weeks now I feel good.
The main reasons I decided to publish my novel this way was for publicity and also to acquire the services of an agent. As you probably already know agents are an elusive breed but if you have been published no matter what form this takes, there is a better chance of hiring one.
The only e-book I have ever viewed was my own after the publisher sent it to me. It was well turned out and I was impressed apart from the cover, which they designed. Thankfully I can change it when the book comes out as a paperback.
You want to know what happened? I heard about this publisher and decided to submit the first three chapters of my novel by e-mail. Within a couple of weeks they asked to read the entire novel. A few weeks later they notified me that they were willing to publish it. They sent me a copy of the book to view and after I agreed it went on sale. There was no risk involved as it hasn't cost me a penny and anyway I have written another seven novels. I await my first royalty cheque in December, even though it will probably be a pittance due to the lack of publicity.
The only drawback is that even though the paperback goes on sale in the big stores such as WH Smiths and Waterstones, they expect me to do my own marketing and publishing. I posted a thread asking for advice on this but only received one response from Hovis. They are going to send me ten copies when it comes out in paperback form and I am to circulate them around the local libraries and smaller book shops. I have two interviews lined up with small local publications and possibly one with my local newspaper.
What do I think of the process? Even though the publisher is small I am over the moon that I have been published after only writing for two years. It feels good and though I know I won't make a great deal of money out of it I've taken that first step on the ladder. Hope that helped a little Stephen?
Thanks Hulsey,
Congratulations on youre success.
As you say there is no outlay and you can only benefit in the long run. All the research i have done so far in this form of media, suggests that in time e-books will hold their own. Like anything new that comes on to the market time is a key factor.
When paper backs where first released on the market they were scorned and told they would never work, unbelievable if you think about it, but in five years or so i am sure we might be saying this about e-books.
As for marketing with youre new book, the wealth of information under google by clicking in the key words, it is there. ( I am sure you already know this)
I wish i could be more help and suggest a few things, apart from looking at book fairs and maybe doing some sort of daring stunt type thing in central london to get you noticed; i would certainly consider something like that, maybe some thing in relation to the book; ( not too daring off-course).
Seven novels in two years and self publishing/promoting; I am sure there are a lot of writers groups about who would love you to tun up and talk to the writers, it sounds like you are a very inspiring person, you could maybe get more recognition from doing something like this.
Good luck for the future and thanks a lot for youre time.
Stephen Daly
Would you mind if i copy this in to my research folder as part of my course work?
No problem, certainly you can copy it. Actually that may not be a bad idea staging a publicity stunt in London and I am visiting the capital in early October with my wife. Only thing though is if I do something in relation to my book I'd probably be arrested. I don't think the London Met would take too kindly to me taking the eyes from the locals. As for writing groups, I've searched and don't seem to be able to find one in Cleveland where I live.
As for my e-book I will see how well or badly they've done in December before committing any more of my novels. I must admit to being more excited by the book coming out as a paperback sometime before Christmas. My next immediate step is to hire an agent and I'll take it from there. Good luck with your course work Stephen and if you need any help whatsoever just get in touch with me. My e-mail address can be found on this site, just check the author list.
no outlay? are you sure? according to www.bestbooks there is no charge for a book that is featured on their site but for P.O.D. services there is a charge.
Also, I think the e-book is featured on the websites of WHS and Waterstones rather than in their shops.
Hope this helps youre research ect
Hi Jeff. Perhaps I have been misunderstood. The e-book, which Stephen was enquiring about has not cost me a penny. Only if you use their editorial services are you charged. Incidentally they proof-read my book free of charge. The POD service, which I am also submitting my novel to, charges a modest fee compared to other publishers and I have been offered a generous discount. It was the conventional book I was talking about when I said it goes on sale in the big bookstores. I like many was sceptical but I am only using this as a stepping stone in hope that I can acquire a literary agent. I have no intention of submitting any more of my novels as e-books, my intention was getting published and getting publicity. I know writers frown on paying to get work published and I am one of these, but the fee is minimal and I am impatient.
Hulsey, may I ask who the POD publisher is?
Is it, perhaps, IUniverse?
If not, I'd be extrmely interested in who they are.
Lots o' luck with your venture anyway. Do hope you'll keep us informed...
Sorry for the delayed response Andrea. The name of the publisher is Mediaworld and they can be found on http://www.mediaworld.org.uk/