Nick Hornby - How To Be Good
Mon, 2003-02-03 21:54
Nick Hornby - How To Be Good
I think there's a thread somewhere which expresses disappointment with this book - I'd like to say I loved it, it's an elegant send-up of well-meaning affluent liberals, so it probably earned him a lot of flak from fellow writers and critics, and on second reading it's full of acidic gems which I didn't fully appreciate before.
I also think he's been very brave
a) for shitting in his own nest, as it were
b) for writing in the first person and taking a female persona. I don't see this done very often by male authors - does it work?
I haven't read this one, but I just finished reading High Fidelity. It was a fun read, but I'm not sure what all the fuss was about.
I really enjoyed About a Boy, not so much High Fidelity. Might get round to How to be Good eventually.
High Fidelity was better, I think, because it was truly about being a man, striking more chords than a prog-rock guitarist. About a boy has that annoying little bas.tard kid who you hope the "cool" (whatever, Nick) character will start hitting with a half brick.