Yoko Ono
The idea of Yoko Ono or any Japanese person talking about compassion is absurd. They basically killed and experimented on 20,000,000 million Chinese people, including acts of vivisection and chopping off people's limbs while they were alive and asking how that made them feel. She quotes John Lennon as saying, "Love is all you need," but she says nothing about the Japanese Genocide of Chinese people and the sexual slavery endured by Korean women and the 10,000 Koreans who died in Heroshima and Nagasaki, working as slaves for Japanese Corporations.
At least Germans never speak of compassion. The Turks also committed genocide on Armenians.
These people have committed acts that are the most primitive and the most evil of all acts and they should all own up to it by turning in all the Fascists who helped commit such acts. They should all be brought to justice, the perpetrators of such acts.