How do you go about it?

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How do you go about it?

Just wandering...
How do you get your work published.
Well, firstly I take it it has to be GOOD... what else?

Anonymous's picture
hello, I would like to know how to approach the publisher? I mean how do they work ? How do they pay royalty ? if percentage bases then how much? And suppose if i have to give my manuscript to them on what bases wud they approve...i mean i have doubts they can copy that script and return it to me by saying that they have not liked it...and later dealing with legal matters creates lots of hassles I wud like to know the right professional way to approach the publisher and be hassle free. kindly guide for the same and reply soon. Warm Regds SHRUTI
cello song
Anonymous's picture
On the a copy yourself, copyright it and send it to yourself in the post. Don't open it. Alternatively - why not store it electronically at abc? It's date marked and includes your personal details. It's not the book publishers you need to worry about, it's the WWW! In simple terms, get yourself a list of publishers who deal with your 'type' of work. Then hire yourself a male/female call-o-gram (depending on sex and generic preference) and get them to deliver your manuscript to them. If they enjoy themselves then they may feel obliged to take a peek at your wares. Alternatively, get in contact with another published writer and badger them for a letter of recommendation. Then wait for the rejection letters. And you'll get tons. If you get any interest atall then you'll have to spend god knows how long editing and buggering around with it until you barely recognise it as your own. But if you do get a good list of contacts and no work - keep in touch and find out how they tick. Contacts are everything and the more friends you make and the more people you influence (in a moderate manner - don't stalk them) the more your name begins to register when you send more work and the more likely they are to have a quick rummage. thats all i can offer.
Anonymous's picture
E-mail on its way Adam
Anonymous's picture
well u can send it to a publisher with name and adress i did it and ive got two books published
Anonymous's picture
what are they called? Might even buy them- you could buy your own drinks then!!!!
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