First chapter

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First chapter

Just completed my first attempt at writing a 30,000 word story (short story/novella? Which?)
It is about a ten year old rescued from evil guardian, pursued, caught, rescued etc. I am pleased with the pace of the story and the plot. Children in the family have read it and liked it. But most say "Once I got into it..." First chapter is taken up with setting out the family background, parents, location, house etc. Any tips on making a more interesting start without losing the momentum by making this the second chapter? And
what is the next step in getting the story assessed? Any comments gratefully received.


Anonymous's picture
I wouldnt give to much out at once. I've made that mistake. If you think about the new guy say at work.. Each day you get to know then a bit at a time. What they like - dislike - the irritating habit - his aftershave... instead of giving them info in chunks let em nibble away.
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