Babywatch ...

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Anonymous's picture
Anyone heard the patter of tiny slippers yet? [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
I am sure there is nothing Rach would like to do more than post here between contractions.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Go girl go. We are agog for news.
Anonymous's picture
no news yet? i might have to take up smoking again at this rate ...
Anonymous's picture
Ooh - that's a looooooooooong time. Let's hope it was one of those on/off starts and she was able to get some sleep. [%sig%]
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Or maybe she has other things to occupy her mind. We're thinking of you,Rach!
Anonymous's picture
oh it's awful if it's one of those starty stoppy labours .... or if it's one of those long slow labours ... poor rachey ... fret dribble
Anonymous's picture
I'm glad it's not me..... I need an epidural after a chicken madras... [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
come pace the virtual corridor with me hox ... we shall smoke these virtual cigarettes and eye the delivery room door anxiously ...
Anonymous's picture
You turn me on, fishcakes. :o)
Anonymous's picture
Keep thinking about you Rachel! Wishing you all the very best. xxx
Anonymous's picture
Hello – can I pace too? – You know *pace pace* when I was pregnant with our first and hubby was still super, super keen (bless), he came along to every antenatal class. Anyhow, one of the women there, who already had three kids, just would not shut up (figured she was an expert), so every single class overran. Trouble was, the breathing techniques were always covered at the end of the session for some reason and as David had to leave on time to get back to work, I only got to partake in one! I did the first one, the ‘deep breathing whilst holding ice cube’ bit for the early stages – but after that – I hadn’t got a clue. Bloody woman. (I did look in books but it wasn’t the same.) [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
"I'm glad it's not me..... I need an epidural after a chicken madras..." Thanks Hox, that provided me with the first racous laugh of the working week. *joins the group of abc pacers!*
Anonymous's picture
Ditto Jude - I nearly spilt my tea. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Today is the longest day of the year, btw. * muffled shout of No F*ing kidding * [%sig%]
FlashyFindlay MD
Anonymous's picture
Has anyone seen that old scrot Dr MissisippiCameron?
Anonymous's picture
Aye.... I waz wanderin' where he might be, Dr Findlay. Do yea think he mae be givin some assistance doon there in Hampshire? [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Well, it's over the 24 hours now. Has nobody had any news? Starting to pace in non-virtual style now. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Pass us a fag Fishy, I've run out. *pace, pace* [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
* pace, pace *
FlashyFindlay MD
Anonymous's picture
Does it always take this long??????
Anonymous's picture
Surely you should know, Doctor... *drags on all-too-bleeding-virtual cigarette* [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Fish's lad was doing his standup tonight, so maybe Fish went to see him and forgot to stuff her computer in her handbag... (I shall stop posting now cos. I bet you keep thinking it's an announcement...) [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
no news ... and it's a full moon ... dan was brill at the comedy and i drove back looking at the full moon and thinking ... what a day ... i so hope she is ok ...
Anonymous's picture
Ah, great news about Dan. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Day breaks on the Babywatch thread for the third time. Virtual ciggies litter the floor, which has been worn down to the bare concrete by constant pacing.... [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Coffee machine's empty. Damn. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
*watches tumbleweed of dog hairs and dust roll slowly past*
Anonymous's picture
* Double doors swing open............. just an orderly with a trolley * [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
*falls asleep on hard plastic chair*
Anonymous's picture
shall we go to the canteen? i can smell bacon. mind you ... it's just when you go to the canteen that the news comes through isnt it?
Anonymous's picture
I'll go - who wants what? [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
bacon sarnie and builder's tea for me ... oh and some cakes ... i think we need sugar ...
Anonymous's picture
Bill Oddie in hushed voice over: Now if you watch very closely you can just about see Rachel nesting... yes there she is... she's rewashed the dusters again and now she's hanging out the christmas decorations for an airing... [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Ok I'll get four bacon sarnies in case Dan wakes up and Hox comes back in(think Hox went out for some air). [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
No, I went out for a bacon sarnie. But I've got room for seconds. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
I've got some spare swaddling in the attic. And a manger. [%sig%]
Stephen Gardiner
Anonymous's picture
I read in a book that you have to have a wide-mouthed vacuum flask at a birth. I took one to both my kids' arrivals but I didn't know what to do with it.
Anonymous's picture
Ahh - maybe they were getting confused over Ventouse extractions. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Hox, here's the sarnie - can you hold the fort? I've got to go and do some work. Cheers. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Either that or the flask was to be filled with something strong and alcoholic to keep the male sedated and out of the way during the more crucial moments.
Anonymous's picture
I wonder if, when Rachel's kid(s) are in their 30s they'll stand about laughing at the print-out of this thread like the robots do on the old 'Smash' advert when people are still peeling potatoes? Will they have PCs then? Or perhaps there'll be a huge crash for technology due to electricity reserves running out and they'll be looking back on an age of technological excesses? 'Mum, how could you have wasted the earth's resources participating in online forums?'


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