Rewriting Scripo - help needed!

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Rewriting Scripo - help needed!

'There are great and wonderful works: a variety of beasts, and of all living things, and the monstrous creatures of whales. '

Can anybody help me rewrite this in a less prosaic manner...apparently it sort of lets the rest of the imagery in this part of Ecclesiasticus down.

Completely ignore that...this is the one I need to rewrite "We shall say much, and yet shall want words: but the sum of our words is, He is all."


this is a bit like a writing exercise. We say many words, yet there are no words that can convey our message, He is all. We say many, many words, yet no earthly uttering can convey the sentinment, He is all. Our words are too inadequate, but the sum of our voices is, He is all. Don't know if these help at all, but enjoyed thinking about it. Juliet


We will say everything we feel, yet it will not be enough: but the truth of our words is, He is all. Visit my blog:
We can't find the words to say - he is all!
Language spills over the vessel within, yet still we thirst for the words to proclaim; for beyond the realm of worldly utterance lies this reality; He is all.


“No matter how many words we say there will not be enough to mean that He equals all.” (Or does that sound like I’m talking about a calculator?!)


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