Life in a northern town?
Mon, 2006-09-18 18:28
Life in a northern town?
A question for the ABCtales music experts
I believe a group called Dream Academy had a hit in the 80s with a song called Life In A Northern Town.
But didn't someone issue another version which was mainly instrumental and consisted of the chorus of the original song played over and over again?
Does anyone know the name of the artist or artists who released that version? And is that version also called Life In A Northern Town?
It's been driving me mad this. I've scoured the internet and can't seem to find it. Any clues would be greatly appreciated.
I'm off outside in a while and won't be back till Wednesday, so my apologies if I'm unable to reply till then.
Thanks in advance.
Dario G - Sunchyme
Cath, you're amazing. That's the very one I was looking for.
I was just expecting the artist's name. Had no idea you would actually locate the video as well.
Thanks to the power of a zillion squared plus one.
Glad to help
i know someone who was in dream academy
but he left before they had their hit
Surely this is a contradiction in terms?