You will all, as people interested in the power of words, have noticed the proliferation in the media - particularly televisual news programmes - of the word 'Islamist'. Intuitively it seems that the word has almost replaced 'Islamic'.
It may be that the BBC - in its desire not to offend moderate Moslem communities - chooses to use the word to distinguish between them and extremist (note the '-ist') or fundamentalist (again) groups.
Communist, Fascist, Racist, Sexist - all terms with negative connotations, you'll agree?
I am no apologist (see!) for terrorist (getting boring now) organisations, but...
My point is that when 'Islamist' does completely replace 'Islamic' in every context, as it surely will, the mostly moderate majority will be one more step down the road to demonisation.
I await brickbats and disagreement in trepidation.
I guess I'm just a pessimist.
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